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Send all information, or broadcast same to Police Headquarters, Willstown. Immediate detention of any reasonable suspect is recommended." Gus wheeled about. "Bill, it's Thad! Description hits him exactly and there's five hundred reward. He's done a house-breaking stunt and tried to kill two people and I don't believe they've got him yet. Mr.

"I ask the indulgence of the court for more time," he commenced, "that I may consult my client and find if he desires to call witnesses." "The court finds," responded the Judge, "that a clear case of house-breaking has been proven against the prisoner by reputable witnesses. He will have to stand trial." For the first time the prisoner raised his eyes from contemplation of the floor.

"The consequences to me, if I were charged with house-breaking, might be something that no amount of guarantee could mitigate. However, I will do what I can, if only from patriotic motives. Now, I must see your tracer, Ritter. He is the traitor in the camp." "Ritter? But how?" "Never mind that now.

Outwood, in order to obtain his sanction for the house-breaking work which he proposed to carry through, Smith would be alone in the room. And he knew that if Smith were left alone in the room, he would instantly remove the shoe to some other hiding place. He thoroughly disbelieved the story of the lost key. He was perfectly convinced that the missing shoe was in the cupboard.

These men were just house-breaking, and I got them. There's twenty-five dollars in it for you, if you take us down to the Holland Detective Agency, in ten minutes." "He's kiddin' ye, feller," snapped out one man. "Don't fall fen him, yen boob!" sung out the other. But Shirley's automatic now appeared outside the coat pocket. The chauffeur realized that here was serious gaming.

Meanwhile the fun goes on; and many such conflicts are recorded, even in the newspapers, between heart-broken parents and house-breaking philanthropists; always with one issue, of course. There are any number of them that never get into the newspapers.

"It's utterly impossible to solve that unless you have the book," he remarked; "therefore, why speculate, Miss Erith?" "I'm going to try to find the book." "How?" "By breaking into the shop of Herman Lauffer." "House-breaking? Robbery?" "Yes." Vaux smiled incredulously: "Granted that you get into Lauffer's shop without being arrested, what then?" "I shall have this cipher with me.

There were only nineteen prisoners in the calendar, one of whom was a soldier, Patrick Riley, for a desperate attempt to murder a serjeant with his bayonet. The rest of the prisoners were principally Kroomcn, and other black fellows, for house-breaking, stealing, &c. &c. In these cases the principal felons remained unknown.

So would Donhof represent the thing, "fact being," says my Dryasdust, "it was a case of house-breaking with theft to the value of 6,000 thalers and this musketeer the ringleader!" Well; but was Schlubhut sentenced to hanging? Do you keep two weights and two measures, in that Criminal-Collegium of yours, then?

The old, lazy, shallow, shifty, shiftless Gus was drifting into the background every day. Then Todd gave us a final shock. I was hurrying down the High when a constable asked me if I could tell him "where a young gentleman named Todd lived." "I'm passing by his house," said I, more than a trifle puzzled as to what the police might want with Gus. "Hope it isn't house-breaking, constable?"