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Send all information, or broadcast same to Police Headquarters, Willstown. Immediate detention of any reasonable suspect is recommended." Gus wheeled about. "Bill, it's Thad! Description hits him exactly and there's five hundred reward. He's done a house-breaking stunt and tried to kill two people and I don't believe they've got him yet. Mr.

The constable laughed: "Oh, you're slow, Pat. We all know that. The kid and his pal, that young edition of Edison by the name of Billy Brown, got the thing cinched over their radio. We didn't know that the description that Willstown sent out fitted Mr. Hooper's own nephew." And so with relief, mixed with regret for Mr.

Hooper wrote that Thad had forged his name on a check for several hundred dollars and got away with it and, even if he did still want to shield Thad, the law wouldn't let him. Grace says Thad ought to be caught and punished and that her father will want it done." "But Gus, even if you got Willstown on the long distance 'phone, how would that help to "

There's a late moon to-night, you see." "I wish I could go with you; this old leg " "Never mind now; don't worry. I'll take Bennie Shultz and make him messenger. If Thad's there you can get down to the drug store and call Willstown. That'll make our case sure. By cracky, old scout, five hundred! We can " "Chickens, old man; chickens. Hatch 'em first.