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Hawes shrugged his shoulders, as much as to say, "You are just flinging your money into the dirt;" but the other, interpreting his look, said: "I hope more good from this than from all the sermons I shall preach in your chapel." Probably Mr.

The wretch of a cook had forgotten to send up the gruel a la Josephs. Next day, after Mr. Williams had visited the female prisoners and complimented Hawes on having initiated them into the art of silence, he asked where the chaplain was.

The first crucifixion Eden saw he turned as sick as a dog the first crucifixion Woodcock saw he twaddled in the crucified's ear, left him on the cross, and went on his way well pleased. Hawes, finding what sort of a man he had to deal with, thought within himself, "Why should I compromise discipline in any point?" He said to Mr.

Hawes, I explained to you that they were acting without the requisite authority from you." "That is all right, and I have called them to account, but then you are not to order them either; you should have applied to me." "I see, I see! Forgive me this little breach of routine where a human being's sufferings would have been prolonged by etiquette." "Ugh! Well, it must not occur again."

Evans brought the jacket, straps and collar from a cell where he had hidden them by Mr. Eden's orders. "You play the game pretty close, parson," said Mr. Hawes, with an attempt at a sneer. "I play to win. I am playing for human lives.

Fry thought this very hard, and it took Hawes ten minutes to coax him over. Mr. Eden had calculated on this, and worked with the attested copy, while Hawes was wasting his time suppressing the original. Hawes was too cunning to accompany Fry back to Mr. Lacy. He allowed five minutes more to elapse all which time his antagonist was pumping truth into the judge a gallon a stroke. At last up came Mr.

Jones at nine o'clock." So saying, the new chaplain, with a bow to the governor, took his friend's arm and went to tea with Mr. Jones. "There, now," said Hawes to the turnkeys, "that is a gentleman. He doesn't blurt everything out before you fellows; he reserves it for his superior officer." Next morning the new chaplain requested Mr.

"The sick-list must go to the infirmary, I believe," said Hawes, thoughtfully. "He'd beat us there. The justices will support me on every other point, because they must contradict themselves else. I'll have that fellow out of the jail, Fry, before a month is out, and meantime what can I do to be revenged on him?" "Punish 'em all the more," suggested the simple-minded Fry.

I hope that you have not permitted the timely, though unexpected, visit of Mr. Hawes to affect your appetite. Chydister, another piece of this mutton? Most nutritious, I assure you; a fact, however, which is, no doubt, well known to you. Mr. Hawes, I should think that you would prefer to sleep here at night, rather than to stay alone in that old house.

Don't move, girls... and this is Miss Ally Hawes, our cleverest needle-woman... and Miss Charity Royall making our garlands of evergreen.... I like the idea of its all being homemade, don't you?