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Kindly keep her as she now is, dead before the wind, and I will get about the work of shortening sail without further delay." So saying, I hurried away forward, letting go the trysail outhaul and the main-topsail halliards on my way; passing next to the fore-topsail halliards, which I also let run.

The halliards were let go and the sails rolled up as smartly as possible by the four men on board; and then, the side-ladder being rigged for Sibylla's accommodation, all hands descended to the punt, the paddles were tossed out and the boat was headed for the beach.

"All right!" answered Ned, sending the wheel hard over with a spin, and leaving it to rush forward. "Now, Price, aft with the starboard jib- sheets, and belay them not too flat, man; let them flow a bit so, that's well! Now tail on here to the halliards with me and let us set the sail. Up with it! that's your sort! Now take it under the belaying-pin and let me browse it up. Yo-ho; ho-hip; ho-ho!

"Dance a hornpipe," cut in Fred, as Jo paused for breath, "and, as they danced, the rubbishy old castle turned to a man-of-war in full sail. 'Up with the jib, reef the tops'l halliards, helm hard alee, and man the guns! roared the captain, as a Portuguese pirate hove in sight, with a flag black as ink flying from her foremast.

Jam your helm hard-a-port, you Dick! hard over with it, man; that's your sort. Now, sway away upon these here mizzen halliards; down with your fore-lug; ease up the fore-sheet there, for'ard; up with the mizzen, lads; bowse it well up; that's well; belay. Haul your fore-sheet over to wind'ard, and make fast. There! that's capital. Now let's see what we can do to these here shrouds."

Soon low moaning sounds became fitfully audible far aloft, and little scurrying gusts of hot wind came sweeping across the lagoon, causing the fire on the knoll to roar and blaze with sudden intensity, while the sparks flew far inland. "Stand by the topsail halliards!" remarked Dick, with a grin. "We are going to have it hot and heavy in a minute or two, or I'm a Dutchman!"

They continued searching about in every part of the vessel for some time longer, but not finding any more specie, they took two coils of rigging, a side of leather, and some other articles, and went on board the schooner, probably to consult what to do with us; for, in eight or ten minutes they came back, apparently in great haste, shut us all below, fastened up the companion way, fore-scuttle and after hatchway, stove our compasses to pieces in the binnacles, cut away tiller-ropes, halliards, braces, and most of our running rigging, cut our sails to pieces badly; took a tub of tarred rope-yarn and what combustibles they could find about deck, put them in the caboose house and set them on fire; then left us, taking with them our boat and colors.

The ship's stern answered to the steady pull of the line and dragged away from the edge of the sand until she pointed fair into the channel again. Forward, men hove in the cable until the anchor was underfoot; aft, men tailed on to the main halliards and sent the great mainsail aloft with a will. Barry waved the second mate back to the wheel and sent Rolfe forward to finish picking up the anchor.

Women is very ticklish craft to handle, you must bear in mind; as tender in a squall as a racin' cutter with all her flyin'-kites aloft; and you'll have to keep a sharp look-out to win'ard, and have the halliards and sheets all ready for lettin' run at a moment's notice, or you'll maybe get something ser'ous carried away, or have a reg'lar downright wrack altogether afore you knows where you are."

"Now I'll just hoist this up to the topmast head, and you'll see what a pretty flag it makes in the morning." "Oh, please...!" He turned his back and began to bend the petticoat on the halliards. "No, no ... please ... it's cruel!" He could hear that she was crying softly; hesitated, and faced round again. "There now ... if it teases you so. There wasn' no harm meant.