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Then, all of a sudden, out of the darkness, there sounded a voice, and when Buddy heard it he trembled. "Who are you?" cried the voice, "and what are you doing in here?" "If you please," answered the little guinea pig boy, "I am Buddy, and I fell down this hole. Whose is it?" "It belongs to us," said two voices at once. "We are groundhogs, and you must get right out of here!"

Quack! Quack!" as loudly as they could. That so frightened the groundhogs that they jumped into the brook and swam away, leaving Brighteyes free. Then she went home with the Wibblewobbles, and told Buddy her adventure, and he said it was a good one.

One day, oh, I guess it must have been about a week after Buddy Pigg fell down the groundhogs' hole, he and Brighteyes were out walking in the woods. They had been over to pay a visit to Jackie and Peetie Bow Wow, the two puppy dogs, you know, and were on their way back.

"Groundhogs!" exclaimed Buddy, and then he remembered the two who had teeter-tautered Brighteyes up and down on the plank bridge, and wet her dress, and he was frightened for fear they would harm him. "Oh, please, Mr. Groundhogs!" went on Buddy, "I didn't mean to come here! I fell in when I was looking for something to eat. Please help me out, and I'll never come again.

Jason has seen the marks and bandaged them up, she says. But it may be the boy fell down in the bushes, or among the rocks and got scratched that way. Or it may have been some other wild animal in the woods that attacked him. There are some animals around here, aren't there?" he asked the farmer's wife. "Well, skunks, groundhogs and the like of that, with maybe a fox or two.

The country had been swept clean by the fire-broom. Not a living creature remained visible. Moles there still might be, and perhaps hares and foxes, woodchucks, groundhogs and a few such animals that by chance had taken earth; but even of these there was no trace. Certainly all larger breeds had been destroyed.

Her corncob pipe it was as rank a thing as ditch digger ever poisoned the clean air with. Granma Wandon was as spry as a yearling calf. She taught me how to drown out groundhogs and chipmunks from their holes. She went fishing with me and taught me to spit on the bait for luck, or rub a certain root on the hook, which she said made the fish bite better.

Of course foxes or groundhogs will bite if any one tries to catch them, but I don't know that they'd scratch, though they might if they were put to it. I never saw such scratches as these. And, as you say, Mrs. Brown, it may have been the circus lion which is hiding around here." "You don't seem very frightened over it," said Mrs. Brown.

How many groundhogs, chipmunks, muskrats, coons, and other small animals, besides the rabbits, he chased and caught there was no telling. Perhaps he did not kill one. The girls even Lil and Nellie lost their fear of a second visit from the mysterious "kleptomaniantic." Nobody would land upon the island to disturb them while that crazy dog was about.

"What do you want to stick here for like a lot of groundhogs? There's rivers back in the hills a heap better than this one, and nobody thar. You'd have the place plumb to yoreselves. Git in where the mountains is really mountainous."