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Or, again, it might be pointed out that both Cleopatra and Sheba brought their slaves. Only partly and occasionally an act of homage, the call has become, broadly speaking, a recognition of exact social equality, as if the round, dignified American cheese in Grocer Brown's ice-box should receive and return a call from the round, dignified American cheese in Grocer Green's ice-box.

And you might mention how we've always made it a point to treat our horses well but will do better in the future. And tell Him I'll see that the Widow Green's spring plowing is done sooner after this. It was a darn shame her being left last like that but that she never asked me, me being so easy-going and she so neat, until the rest of them left her in the lurch.

The Marches recognized this in the hoarse whispers which people cannot get their voices above when they try to talk away the interval of waiting in such circumstances; they conjectured from what they had heard of the Dryfooses that this tasteful luxury in no wise expressed their civilization. "Though when you come to that," said March, "I don't know that Mrs. Green's gimcrackery expresses ours."

We walked out together, conferring on the subject, and both concluded that his word was not to be relied upon. "What is to be done?" was asked. "Go to Green's room," I replied, "and knock at the door. If he is there, he may answer, not suspecting your errand." "Show me the room." I went up with him, and pointed out No. 11. He knocked lightly, but there came no sound from within.

The boys, having returned their powder to the magazine till it was again wanted, were glad enough to stretch their legs, and still more to follow Green's advice by swallowing the food which was served out to them.

Green's they congratulated themselves on having thought of such a brilliant project. That Mopsey was a thoughtful manager, as well as sparkling author, was shown by a notice which the boys found fastened to the street-door. It read: DOReS opeN AT HARF PARsT seVeN

Green's, and ascended to the attic which was the scene of so much industry, they found that the amateur artists had made great progress in their work, although it was shown more by the dense coloring that had been put on the newspaper scenery than from any very fine effects.

"Sometime today, LeBlanc and Green, with the other two men, whose names I do not know, will cross the border, for they are due to return tonight with furs. Dick, Phil and I will estimate as near as we can the point on the line at the back of Green's farm. Then we will take positions about a sixteenth of a mile apart, perhaps a little more.

One was that he could find some other method of escape, the other was that his chums would come to his rescue when he failed to return at the appointed hour of sundown. At any rate, he would wait until the last minute before trying his desperate scheme. LeBlanc, he knew, would be gone the greater part of the night, for they did not plan to start until almost midnight for Lafe Green's house.

"I should have said, 'Farmer Green's garden," said Henrietta Hen. "Thank you very much for the warning; but I don't think we need go away just yet if old dog Spot isn't sniffing around," said Jimmy Rabbit. "I don't believe there's any danger." "You don't understand," Henrietta Hen cried. "I ordered you out of the garden." "You ordered me?" said Jimmy Rabbit, acting as if he were astonished.