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It was a little more than odd, I think, that she should be on the jetty when the boat came in. Ha! she'd been looking for you all the morning with a telescope, I've no doubt she's bold enough for anything. And then how she sneered and giggled when she saw me, and said 'how fat I'd got: like her impudence, I think. What? "But I know what she wanted; yes she'd have liked to have had me searched.

The knot of men began to disperse, and the boys, who lingered longest, finally straggled away, stifling their regret that no one was mangled beyond recognition. Parker climbed into the wagon, and drove over to Saunders's store. "I don't know as I'd better buy a jersey to-day," giggled Idy, as she stepped from the wagon to the elevated wooden sidewalk. "I'm afraid it won't fit.

He seemed to be extremely nervous, and this nervousness palpably increased when the impudent page, who was standing in the lobby, giggled on hearing his inquiry. "He's second floor," said the youth. "Are you from Hot-Stuff Jarvis?" "That's right, lad," replied the visitor, speaking with a marked Manchester accent; "from Mr. Jarvis."

"I must apologize for this intrusion," he said to Vizard; "but my lawyer wanted to consult me about the lease of one of my farms, and, finding himself in the neighborhood, he called instead of writing." "Your lawyer, eh?" said Vizard, slyly. "What is your lawyer's name?" "Jackson," said Ned, without a moment's hesitation. Fanny giggled in her own despite.

The other day it was quite unpleasant in the Maths lesson. In Frau Doktor St's lesson in the First, some of the girls giggled at the same thing and she went on just as if she had not noticed it, but afterwards she always spoke of periodic places, and then one does not think of the real meaning so much. Frau Doktor F. said she should complain to Frau Doktor M. about our unseemly behaviour.

"Goodness, I should think not," said Grace, while Betty and Mollie giggled happily. "I can't imagine you in the role of chief washerwoman to Deepdale, Amy; and as for stenography think how much you would have to spend before you began to earn any money." "My idea's very much simpler than either of those," said Betty demurely.

Don't strangle me, or I'll take it all back!" "You can't now! You've said it! Oh, I'm so glad! Can I start to-day?" "Oho!" said Mrs. Maynard; "who was it that said nothing could make her want to go to-day instead of Monday?" Marjorie giggled. "But who could have dreamed you meant this?" she cried, leaving her father and flying to caress her mother. "Oh, Mumsie, won't it be lovely!

"I do think you have the most beautiful tail, sir," said a Duckling, giving her own little pointed one a sideways shake as she spoke. "Please call it my train," said the Peacock. "It is beautiful and I am very proud of it. Not every fowl can grow such a train as that." "Oh, dear, no!" giggled a jolly little Bantam Chicken. "I'd grow one in a minute if I could."

Sue giggled as she pirouetted back and forth. "Decided about the club yet, Blue Bonnet?" "Not yet," Blue Bonnet said. She wondered if her face betrayed lack of interest. The thought of the club had entirely passed out of her mind. "What do you call this club, Sue?" Sue took a whirl and a glide and stopped at Blue Bonnet's side. "The Ancient Order of Lambs," she said, and darted off again.

"But if she hasn't got a decent dress?" murmured Stella, when she was mailing the invitation to Amy. "I told you I'd see that she did have a party dress," Janice said sharply. "I can't agree to find whole trousers for Gummy," and she giggled; "so you needn't invite him if you don't want to. But Amy will be all right." "Maybe she will be too proud to wear your dress, Janice Day!" exclaimed Stella.