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It was a long evening to her; she thought the hands of the clock had never before moved so slowly. At nine a bell called them all into Professor Manton's school-room, where he read a chapter from the Bible, and made a long prayer in a dull, monotonous tone, that set most of his hearers to nodding or indulging in half-suppressed gapes and yawns.

Your thought, growing broad in the view, seems to cover the whole area of life: you set up your affections and your duties; you build hopes with fairy scenery, and away they all go, tossing like the relentless waters to the deep gulf that gapes a hideous welcome!

The orthodox method of catching them on board ship is to cover a suitable hook with a piece of white rag a couple of inches long, and attach it to a stout line. The fisherman then takes his seat upon the jibboom end, having first, if he is prudent, secured a sack to the jibstay in such a manner that its mouth gapes wide.

"You seem very lonely here," said Richard, glancing round, and at the ceiling. "Lonely?" quoth the farmer. "Well, for the matter o' that, we be! jest now, so't happens; I've got my pipe, and Tom've got his Folly. He's on one side the table, and I'm on t'other. He gapes, and I gazes. We are a bit lonesome. But there it's for the best!" Richard resumed, "I hardly expected to see you to-night, Mr.

He announces that "Nothing can shake him, now, from his pre-determined purpose," and that "the grave gapes for its coming victim." Enter MARIA, disguised in a brown bowler hat and a very tight suit of tweed "dittoes," in which she looks very like the "Male Impersonator" at a Music-hall. The Audience receive her with derision and the recommendation to go and get her hair cut. Maria.

To give in so many articulate words one's inmost thoughts and feelings notably the religious is taken among us as an unmistakable sign that they are neither very profound nor very sincere. "Only a pomegranate is he" so runs a popular saying "who, when he gapes his mouth, displays the contents of his heart."

I have been in yards where everything was first-rate, where the cleanliness was almost painfully complete, where no fault in the way of neglect could be found, and yet the gapes were there; and on the other hand, I have known places where every condition seemed favorable to the development of such a disease, and there it was absent this not in isolated cases, but in many.

Some offered such rude comfort as their sympathetic hearts but not too fecund intellects could devise, and as often as not it was sorry comfort enough. Some stood all but speechless, only gasping out at intervals, "Deary me." Others, again, seemed afflicted with what old Matthew Branthwaite called "doddering" and a fit of the "gapes."

Into it she deliberately slipped, her own; and then gazed flushed and defiant, but proud and smiling round a circle composed entirely of faces belonging to people suffering from the gapes. I glanced at Robin. He looked perfectly dumfounded, but I saw his hand close automatically round Dolly's fingers, and I saw, too, her pink nails go white under the pressure. But Dolly seemed to feel no pain.

In spite of the draggling wet and clinging mud, the country people were out in force; but their gapes, their nudges and whispers, were as little to him as the falling rain. He was dead to everything but the sense of his utter, hopeless desolation. What made it all even sadder, if possible, was that a dreadful breach had come between him and Sadie and Arthur.