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Mr Ronald was obliged to kill another man, who fought so desperately that we could not otherwise master him; and throwing ourselves on the remaining three, we bound and gagged them, and lashed them to the benches on which they had been sitting. The whole affair did not take us a minute. It was very bloody work, but it could not be helped.

The master of Nacumera did not speak a syllable while his retainers seized Callistion, gagged her, and tied her hands with cords. They silently removed her. Orestes had the nicest sense of etiquette. This series of swift deeds was performed with such a glib precipitancy that if was as though the action had been rehearsed a score of times.

It was our sentry, neatly and scientifically gagged and tied up. The steps brought us to a little courtyard about which the walls of the houses rose like cliffs. We halted while Hussin listened intently. Apparently the coast was clear and our guide led us to one side, which was clothed by a stout wooden trellis.

Then with two officers and a seaman, Cushing walked from the deck to Gen. Herbert's headquarters in so open a manner as to disarm suspicion. Entering the house they met an engineer officer, who tried to raise an alarm, but was quickly captured and gagged.

He said that he had come from the police on an urgent matter concerning to-morrow's execution. The portress opened the door and was at once attacked, gagged and bound. Ten minutes later a lady and gentleman who lived on the first floor and who had just come home were also reduced to helplessness by the same individual and locked up, each in one of the two empty shops.

Before long he was thrown to the ground on his face, and his arms bound behind him. After this he was gagged. The uproar of this fierce struggle had roused all the ladies, and they turned their eyes in horror to where the two were fighting against such odds. Ethel raised herself on her knees from beside Lady Dalrymple, and caught sight of Hawbury.

I gagged, and put down my fork, but she kept on chattering with her mouth full, trying to convince me before I could even voice the beginning of an objection. Finally she appealed to my conceit. "You want me to be a great musician, right Daddy?" I tried to agree that had been our hope, but I was still trying to catch my breath. "Well, I'm sitting third-desk right now.

Her they had gagged and bound and carried in a sort of improvised sedan-chair; Tobias had done the thing with a certain style and she had to admit with absolute courtesy. Certainly it had not been without its spice of romance, for four of the men had carried lanterns, and their progress must have had a very picturesque effect lighting up the blackness of the strange trees.

"What I cannot quite understand," he said, "is the exact meaning of that word 'abduction. Why should I be suspected of forcibly removing a harmless and worthy young man from his regular avocation, and, as you term it, abducting him, which I presume means keeping him bound and gagged and imprisoned? I do not eat young men. I do not even care for the society of young men.

"Merely the pleasure of your company. Lieutenant, bring out the treasure." One of the soldiers entered the next room and soon returned pushing Fitzgerald before him. The Englishman was bound and gagged. "How will you have the pheasant served?" asked the leader. "Like a gentleman!" cried Maurice, letting out a little of his anger. "Take out the gag; he will not cry."