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Impossible to remove Miss Quincey quickly, she was so very blameless and she worked so hard. She worked from nine till one in the morning, from two-thirty till four-thirty in the afternoon, and from six-thirty in the evening till any hour in the night.

We must go at once and wire for Sir Cresswell and old Petherton," replied Gilling. "It's now four-thirty. If they catch an evening express at King's Cross they'll get here early in the morning. If they like to motor from Norcaster they can get here in the small hours. But they must be here for that inquest." Greyle was talking to Chatfield at the foot of the Keep when they got down.

"Why not get married here?" objected Isabel, practically, "and take the four-thirty into town? There's a minister here, and while you're seeing about it, I can go home and get my coat." "All right, but don't stop for anything else. We've got to hustle. Don't tell anybody." "Not even Aunt Francesca?" "No, she'd make a fuss. And besides, she doesn't deserve it, if she's been mean to you."

The Doctor had a sheaf of letters from her. And so the morning's task was over. He turned a page and came to the afternoon. "Two o'clock, Mrs. Lesueur; two-thirty, Miss Mendish; three, the Dean of Greystone; three-thirty, Lady Carle; four, Madame de Lys; four-thirty, Mrs. Harringby; five, Sir Henry Grebe; five-thirty, Mrs. Chepstow." The last name was that of the last patient.

He was at the trysting place fully ten minutes before she came in sight, staggering under the unaccustomed burden of a heavy suit-case. It might not have occurred to him to relieve Juliet of a cumbrous piece of baggage, but he instinctively took it from Isabel. "Come on," he said. "We've got to hurry if we don't want to miss the four-thirty."

Some days later Cuckoo received a telegram from Harley Street. It came in the morning, and ran as follows: "Call here to-day if possible. Important. Levillier." Cuckoo read it, trembling. In her early days telegrams came often to her door "Meet me at Verrey's, four-thirty"; "Piccadilly Circus, five o'clock to-day." Such messages flickered through her youth, forming gradually a legend of her life.

And then in the end Raymond did quite another thing from what he had planned. He left the office one day at four-thirty and walked uptown. He paced the block on which the Brier Bush was situated until he began to feel conscious then he walked around the block, always hurrying until he came in sight of the tea room.

The urns were what the girls called "on tap" from four to four-thirty, and during summer any one might take cup, saucer, and plate into the garden, provided she duly brought them back afterwards to the dining-hall. Special permission for a bedroom feast was therefore not very difficult to obtain, and Lilias returned from her interview in the study with her dimples conspicuously in evidence.

We pointed to the charred ashes. He searched our bodies, our beds and the scanty furnishing of the hut, naturally without avail. The Russian orderly was severely admonished and our fire was cut off as punishment. The treatment at this camp was uniformly bad. The next morning the Raus blew at four-thirty instead of five, as was customary.

We left Fresno at about four-thirty o'clock over the same road we traveled a year before. However, before crossing the river, we turned to the right and went up through a town, Pulaski, where we crossed on a splendid cement bridge. The road was pretty badly cut up from heavy teaming, but we got to Crane Valley about ten o'clock p. m.