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We specialised on concentrated foods from our parcels biscuits, tinned meats, and so on. We had our cache in a hole, dug under cover of night, under the flooring of the hut. It was unsafe to keep food on our bodies or near our beds, as the guards were in the habit of calling the Raus at all hours, and sometimes, several times during the night.

"Raus in!" and so on. We never knew what our tormentors wanted but supposed it to be a systematic attempt to break our spirit and our nerve by the simple expedient of habitually interfering with our sleep so that we would become like the Russians. They were mostly utterly broken in spirit and had the air of beaten dogs, so that they cringed and fawned to their masters.

"Well, you see, sir," began Markley, but Geisler interrupted him furiously. "Ach Himmel! Vot are you, a man or a Strassbourg pie? Donnervetter! Go! Raus! gedt oudt! Vamoose!" "Sir," began Markley, turning to Mr. Merrill from this furious storm of abuse. But his employer had taken out his check-book and fountain pen, and seemed intent upon making out the pink slips.

I found, however, he only enjoyed a brief exemption, for his record, all written down and sent along with him, showed his character had been blameless and exemplary, and the rings on his coat could not save him. It was "Raus in!" and "Raus out!" every day for him! In this manner did his good deeds find him out.

But the wounded vanity of Raus had at least the good results that it caused to be written the statement in which Muehlenberg, with indignation repels the outrageous charge.

Except for the starving, as I look back now, Giessen was not such a bad camp as such places go. At least it was the best that we were to know. The discipline, of course, was fairly severe, but on the other hand the Commandant did not trouble us a great deal. The petty annoyances were harder to endure. Frequently we would get the "Raus!" at half-hour intervals by day or night; "Raus out!"

As to the doctrinal basis in the constitution of the ministerium, nothing was formally established, there was no written constitution until after the separation of the missions in this country from the patronage and government of the Old World after the independence of the States, in 1781. But the charges made by Lucas Raus afforded Muehlenberg occasion to make his position very clear.

The Chamber is already filled with shouts and jeers. "Maul halten!" "'Raus mit ihm!" Liebknecht has been howled down many times before under similar circumstances. He is not terrified to-day, though his face is pale with excitement and anger. He stands his ground.

Thin stripes were also painted down the seams of our trousers and sleeves and around the stiff crowns of our caps. This was to mark us as dangerous characters. As such we received more of the unwelcome Raus attentions than the others and were the more wary in consequence. We were busy opening our mail on one of those rare occasions, when Simmons gave a startled exclamation.

Just before recess was over, however, there were sudden sounds of a riot around the bulletin board. "Tear that down!" "Throw 'em out!" "Raus mit!" "The mean cheats!" There was a surging rush of High School boys for the bulletin board.