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What would become of him, if this fresh soul should stoop upon him in her first young passion, as the flamingo drops out of the sky upon some lonely and dark lagoon in the marshes of Cagliari, with a flutter of scarlet feathers and a kindling of strange fires in the shadowy waters that hold her burning image in their trembling depths? Marry her, of course? Why, no, not of course.

Beyond, nearer the mouths of the Rhone, there are, so men say, desolate marshes, tenanted by herds of half-wild horses; foul mud- banks, haunted by the pelican and the flamingo, and waders from the African shore; a region half land, half water, where dwell savage folk, decimated by fever and ague. But short of those Bouches du Rhone, the railway turns to the north, toward Montpellier and

I also noticed some wrasse known as the tapiro, three decimeters long, bony fish with transparent scales whose bluish gray color is mixed with red spots; they're enthusiastic eaters of marine vegetables, which gives them an exquisite flavor; hence these tapiro were much in demand by the epicures of ancient Rome, and their entrails were dressed with brains of peacock, tongue of flamingo, and testes of moray to make that divine platter that so enraptured the Roman emperor Vitellius.

"It may be my man, Pierre," I hazarded. "He is red as a flamingo, and a fool into the bargain; but he has shoulders like an ox, so the women want him. I can see no other motive. Will you trust to that, monsieur?" He looked back at me with the flicker of a smile. "It is sufficient." I do not like smiles that I cannot understand, so I changed the subject.

In the midst of these commonplace exercises which Miss Darley read over so carefully were two or three that had something of individual flavor about them, and here and there there was an image or an epithet which showed the footprint of a passionate nature, as a fallen scarlet feather marks the path the wild flamingo has trodden.

Of course, gentlemen and fellow beasts," he continued, "I can't keep you from getting off, but this car is traveling at the rate of four miles a minute, and if you try it, you do so at your own risk. Fares, please." "It's an outrage!" said the Flamingo. "I'm going to jump," said the Kangaroo. "I think we'd better sit still, Tom," whispered Righty.

Officer continues moralizing on the bad results of liquor, and deliberately draws a commitment from his breast pocket. "Committed by Justice Snivel breaking the peace at the house of Madame " He cannot make out the name. First officer interposes learnedly "Madame Flamingo." "Sure enuf, he's been playin' his shines at the old woman's house again.

Tall and lissom, she was sheathed from the bosom downwards in flamingo silk, and she was liberally festooned with emeralds. Her dark hair was not even strained back from her forehead and behind her ears, as an orphan's should be. Parted somewhere at the side, it fell in an avalanche of curls upon one eyebrow.

Why, it would make all the difference whether the Warden could see himself plain in still water. Still water has made hundreds of suicides: one sees oneself so very well, so very plain." "Do you, perhaps," inquired Pym with austere irony, "maintain that your client was a bird of some sort say, a flamingo?"

Withrow's been trying to get a crew for the Flamingo?" "M-h-h." "Well, this morning early she went out on a hand-lining trip to the east'ard, it is said. And Will says that he thinks he doesn't know, mind you, because they won't tell him anything down to Withrow's but he thinks that Maurice Blake's shipped in her." "Wow! She won't last out one good breeze on the Banks."