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It might make him willing to let them live in his house. And please!" she clung to his hand, "please tell him that I'm growing older every single day I live!" That very afternoon Mr. Jerry and Mary Rose bought a canary for Becky and paid for it with the five-dollar bill that Mr. Wells had given Mary Rose. Mr.

No inmate of the oubliette could have been more lonely, and yet life was accessible, and even near. A month went by. The solitary man of the camp fished and shot, ate, drank, wandered, slept, and saw no face and heard no voice. He had run out of supplies, and having pencilled a note to that effect, had slipped it, with a five-dollar bill, under the door of the railside shanty.

Nason, how polite he was, and "how he couldn't keep his eyes off'n Alice all the afternoon," was whispered to every girl she knew. The five-dollar incident created the most gossip, however. As might be expected, the subject of all this gossip heard none of it until the storm had reached alarming proportions.

He had thought of it as likely to contain some good advice at the time; but it had since occurred to him that the farmer had not had time to write down anything in that line. He was disposed to think that the mysterious envelope might contain a five-dollar bill, as a slight acknowledgment of his services.

"Business is business in the movies the same as anywhere else," chuckled Mr. Pertell, as he gave Ruth and Alice each a crisp five-dollar bill. "I am very much obliged to you, in the bargain," he went on. "So am I!" added Mr. Harrison. "I can get my train now, and it's a satisfaction to know that the scenes are completed." "Oh, it was fun!" laughed Alice. "I liked it, too," confessed Ruth.

Now, for instance, if a fellow from outside joins, he pays one hundred and fifty initiation fee, and seventy-five a year." "H'm!" said Nancy, in satisfaction. The Marlborough Gardens Yacht Club was not for the masses. "All we need for the children is a five-dollar bath house," she added presently, "For we're so near that it's really easier for you and me to walk over in our bathing suits."

Up the street they went, past stores and gay shops, across a broad square, until with a hundred others they entered the high portal of a great building. He was pushed toward the ticket-office with the others, and felt in his pocket for the new five-dollar bill he had hoarded.

He jabbered excitedly to his companion for a moment, then spoke quietly to Orme. "This all we want," he said. "We are not thief, see I put other five-dollar bill in its place and leave pocket-book here." He thrust the selected bill into his pocket, put the fresh bill in the pocket-book, and laid the pocket-book on the table. "See here," said Orme, still prone, "what's the meaning of all this?"

She sends the five-dollar bill through space, and in a minute or two she gives me the skein and four dollars and ninety-five cents, and I go out of the store a free man. I have no misgivings and no remorse because I did not buy all the things I might have bought. No one reproached me because I did not buy a four-hundred-dollar pianola.

Two five-dollar gold pieces rolled out first, then a handful of small change, a black ring evidently whittled out of a rubber button and lastly a watch-fob ornament. It was a little compass, set in something which looked like a nut. "I believe that's a buckeye," said Richard. He examined it carefully on all sides, then called excitedly: "Aw, look here!