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"The rod of Heaven has touched them all, The word from Heaven is spoken: Rise, shine and sing, thou captive thrall, Are not thy fetters broken?" On Sunday morning, when the young Birkenholts awoke, the whole air seemed full of bells from hundreds of Church and Minster steeples.

Is, then, an incredulous man, any thing more than one who has taken flight from the general prison, in which despotic superstition detains nearly all mankind? Is not an atheist, as he is called, who writes, one who has broken his fetters, who supplies to those of his associates who have sufficient courage to follow him, the means of setting themselves free from the terrors that menace them?

Fix not thy heart, Vain mortal! on this tenement of life, On earthly pleasures; think of Jemshíd's fate; His glory reached the Heavens, and now this world Has bound the valiant monarch's limbs in fetters, And placed its justice in the hands of slaves. When Zohák received intelligence of the apprehension of his enemy, he ordered him to be brought before the throne that he might enjoy the triumph.

Shall I submit to Fetters, and see my Mistress ravish'd by any great Turk in Christendom, and not fight? Isa. I'd rather be ravish'd a thousand times, than you should venture your Person. Fran. Ay, I dare swear. Enter Seaman. Sea. Ah, Sirs, what mean you? Come on the Deck for shame. Ant. Guil. Fran. Oh, how they thunder! Isa. Fran.

Inside the shed, reclining on their charpoys, the men continued their performance, changing their song, though not, as it seemed to Desmond, the tune. He, however, was perhaps not sufficiently attentive to the monotonous strains; for, as soon as the warder had left the yard, he had unlocked his fetters and begun to work in the darkness.

And it is curious to relate that, in her mind, going to school had little or nothing to do with her journey. She had the feeling of faring forth into the world, and she had known all along that it was destined she should. What was the cause of this longing to break the fetters and fly away? fetters of love, they seemed to her now and were.

The forgotten and pursued shall rise and hold the attention of the whole world. There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall suddenly be covered with forests. Earthquakes will come. . . . Millions will change the fetters of slavery and humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another.

While his enemies were sleeping, he cautiously made his way by the light of the stars, to the house of an old acquaintance, who hastened to take off his fetters, and give him a good supper. Thus refreshed, he hastened to bid his colored friend farewell, and with fear and trembling set off for Philadelphia.

With fetters they prisoned his feet, and manacles they straitly fastened about his wrists, and they bound him to a pillar in the hall by a chain about his middle. "There shall you bide," she said, "in shameful bonds until you make promise to voyage forth to Broye. For surely there is nothing so vile in all this world as a craven gentleman."

Every heart was now chilled with new terrors, when, on their nearer approach, they discovered the fatal ensigns of their enemies, and knew that there was no longer any possibility either of resistance or escape. "All that remained alive of the brave Venetian crew were loaded with fetters, and closely guarded in the hold of the ship till it arrived at Tunis.