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He was soon taken up, and after I had given six louis to the marker who had been watching for forty-eight hours, I pocketed the gold, and went to the apothecary's where I took a mild emetic. Afterwards I went to bed and slept for a few hours, and at three o'clock I made an excellent dinner. D'Entragues remained in his room till the next day.

Somebody suggested that the venom should be dislodged from the patient's stomach, so an emetic was administered in the form of a handful of common salt, with immediate and seismic effect. Then a decoction of neem leaves was poured down the man's throat. The neem tree is an enemy of all fevers and a friend of man generally, so much so that it is healthful to sleep under its shade.

Just before the dance they have a big drink of the herb brew, and they are painted thickly with an ointment that contains herbs that kill snake poison. Then after the dance, the emetic. That is all." "How many of your tribe know of this secret preparation?" "Only two. Myself and my squaw. Should I die my squaw tell the secret to my son. When my squaw die he teach his squaw."

But remember the emetic which is given at first is pure Ipecacuanha Wine, without a drop of either water or of syrup. A large sponge dipped out of very hot water, and applied to the throat, and frequently renewed, oftentimes affords great relief in croup, and ought during the time the emetic is being administered in all cases to be adopted.

In this case many neighbours were present, and, as all were anxious to prevent the liberation of the girl's evil spirit, I proved to them how skilful are the barbarian doctors. The bride was induced to drink hot water till it was, she declared, on a level with her neck, then I gave her a hypodermic injection of that wonderful emetic apomorphia.

The thing to be cured is the same in both cases, but the means of cure ought obviously to be different. In one instance, an emetic or laxative, to carry off the offending cause, would be the most rational and efficacious remedy; in the other, a diaphoretic should be administered, to open the skin and restore it to a healthy action.

Give a mixture of syrup of poppies and prussic acid morning and night, and the ball as yesterday. 31st. Nearly in the same state as yesterday, except that he is not so thirsty, and does not eat so well. Give the mixture three times daily. Nov. 1st. He had an emetic in the morning, which produced a large quantity of phlegm, but the cough is no better. No evacuation during the two last days.

Give another emetic and continue the other medicine. 30th'. The effect of the emetic was temporary, and the cough is again worse. 'Dec'. 2d'. Very little change. 5th'. The cough appears to be stationary. Again have recourse to the antimony, digitalis, and nitre. 8th'. The cough is certainly better. Try once more the assafoetida. It again produced sickness, but of a very mild character.

It ran: "Unless perfectly sure that the patient is intoxicated, do not give the emetic." To be sure, we left these extravagances to the children. But childhood, after all, is a relative term, and in Troy we pass through it to sober age by nice gradations; which take time.

No other lesions were found, and the stomach was handed for analysis to Professor Aiken, who in due time reported that he had "satisfied himself" of the existence of at least twenty grains of tartar emetic in it. It is highly probable that this official announcement had much influence upon the minds of Drs.