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Indeed, when thou, O Duryodhana, wilt behold elephants, huge as hills, prostrated on the ground with their tusks disabled, their temples crushed and bodies dyed with gore, in fact, when thou wilt see them lying on the field of battle like riven hills, then, afraid of a clash with him, thou wilt remember these my words.

Dyed gloves and all other sublunary trials were forgotten: Marjory did not touch her face once; and when the happy evening was over, the gloves were put away with a loving pat on their backs, and John had risen ten degrees in Marjory's respect. If those gloves had but rested on their laurels! But if people of genius will not do that, can you expect it of dyed gloves?

The younger generation of officers, it is true, drinks wine, and does not indulge in orisons whilst it should be working; but its efficiency is impaired by the difficulties and delay in granting pensions. The many grey beards, however carefully dyed, suggest an equipage de veterans.

CHARLES. True! and by all the fearful groans of those whom your daggers have despatched of those who on that terrible day were consumed by fire, or crushed by the falling tower no thought of murder or rapine shall be harbored in your breast, till every man among you has dyed his garments scarlet in this monster's blood.

Hetty could only smile and not shake hands, for hers were dyed and damp with currant-juice; but all the rest gave a hearty shake to the large palm that was held out to them, and said, "Come again, come again!" "Aye, think o' that now," said Mr. Poyser, when Adam was out of on the causeway. "Sitting up till past twelve to do extry work!

With what I should like to know, is the right honourable Baronet's cotton dyed? Formerly, indeed, an attempt was made to distinguish between the cultivation of cotton and the cultivation of sugar. The cultivation of sugar, it was said, was peculiarly fatal to the health and life of the slave.

I’ve had some painful news, and I shall wear mourning for a long, long time.” “Oh, Miss, it’s not Mr. David! nor yet one of those sweet relations in Utica? leastways not I hope that beautiful Miss Gertrude, with such hair as I never see for the goldness of it and not dyed, except me cousin that’s a nun, that her mother actually cried when it was cut off?” “No, Johannah; only a very dear friend.”

The water seemed to him to be dyed with blood, and to be not water so much as 'lives of men. It had become too precious to be used to satisfy his longing. It would be base self-indulgence to drink what had been won by such self-forgetting devotion. God only had the right to receive what men had risked their lives to obtain, and therefore he 'poured it out unto the Lord.

"You come to me and tell me your good fortune and what you will do; how you can study and you can work and you can learn to make good music and you have no word for what that money will mean to your saint of a mother aye, the best woman God ever made! Shame to you, selfish girl, that you should put your ambition before her dreams!" The color dyed Beryl's face.

In the bravery of light gloves, buff waistcoats, feathers and frocks, the family were present, even Aunt Ann, who now but seldom left the corner of her brother Timothy's green drawing-room, where, under the aegis of a plume of dyed pampas grass in a light blue vase, she sat all day reading and knitting, surrounded by the effigies of three generations of Forsytes.