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If, from desire of victory, I slay these men, there can be no more ignoble act for me to do. That, however, which is in thy mind, be it good or bad, I will accomplish, O Kaurava, at thy command. It will not be otherwise. Putting forth my prowess in battle and slaying all the Panchalas, I will doff my armour, O king! I swear this to thee truly.

He would always doff his hat at the mention of Watteau or Rubens. They were his gods. When Monticelli arrived in Marseilles after his tramp down from Paris he was literally in rags. M. Chave, a good Samaritan, took him to a shop and togged him out in royal raiment.

Then she brought a tray of food and wine, and they ate and drank; after which she rose and drawing water from the well, poured it from the ewer over his hands, whilst he washed them. So turn thy face to the door, the while I doff my dress and go down into the well and fetch it."

He was a man of action, not given to reflections, not imaginative, essentially simple in what he thought and did. What he did was to dismount and doff his helmet. Next, with the butt of his spear, he battered out the cognizance on his shield till no fesse dancettee rippled there. "I will bear you next when I have won you," said he to the maimed arm.

Now when Kamar al-Zaman saw him in this sorry plight, he was concerned for him; but, as soon as the eunuch found himself on the floor, he said to him, "O my lord, let me go and doff my clothes and wring them out and spread them in the sun to dry, and don others; after which I will return to thee forthwith and tell thee the truth of the matter."

Citizen Jourdain may go out equipped in complete carmagnole, and he may refuse to doff his red cap to any dignitary breathing; but all the while Citizen Barras is wielding the real power, and Citizen Buonaparte is awaiting his turn in the background.

These were the words I was maundering with this noble voice of mine: "'The news I bring, fair Lady, Will make your tears run down Put off your rose-red dress so fine And doff your satin gown! Monsieur Malbrouck is dead, alas! And buried, too, for aye; I saw four officers who bore His mighty corse away. ............. We saw above the laurels, His soul fly forth amain.

But while the hat was a thing of indifference to me, inasmuch as his natural civility and deference, as a dependent Englishman, always led him to doff it the moment he entered the room, yet his coat was another matter. Concerning his coats, I reasoned with him; but with no effect.

The following is one of the many squibs which assailed the ears of the manager: TO GEORGE COLMAN, ESQ. "Come, Coley, doff those mourning weeds, Nor thus with jokes be flamm'd; Tho' Goldsmith's present play succeeds, His next may still be damn'd. "As this has 'scaped without a fall, To sink his next prepare; New actors hire from Wapping Wall, And dresses from Rag Fair.

Ripton attentively observed his chief, and saw him doff his hat with a curious caution, and peer into its recess, from which, during Mrs. Berry's speech, he drew forth a little glove dropped there by some freak of chance. "Keep me, keep me, now you have me!" sang the little glove, and amused the lover with a thousand conceits. "When will she wake, do you think, Mrs. Berry?" he asked.