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Mitchell topped his ball. It rolled twenty yards into the rough, and nestled under a dock-leaf. His mouth opened, then closed with a snap. He came over to where Millicent and I were standing. "I didn't say it!" he said. "What on earth happened then?" "Search men's governing principles," said Millicent, "and consider the wise, what they shun and what they cleave to." "Exactly," I said.

I saw it in the grass a few minutes ago and picked it up. It had rolled just under that dock-leaf. Isn't it sweet? I shall give it back to her after she has forgiven me to-morrow." "What a charming, return-good-for-evil character you have suddenly become, Pauline!" As Nancy spoke she poised the thimble on her second finger. Her fingers were small, white, and tapering.

She pulled some from the bottom of the half-dry ditch, and setting the pale moss-rosebud in the middle, she bound the whole together with a striped yellow and green withe. Then snipping the stacks with her pocket scissors, she brought the posy to Saunders, with instructions to wrap it in a dock-leaf and never to let his hands touch it the whole way.

'Musha, indeed, sir, your coat looks no better than a withered dock-leaf. 'Maybe, then, says he, 'it will be different now, and he struck the eye next him with a switch. Friends, she never saw a glimmer after with that one till the day of her death. 'Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, by Patrick Kennedy. A Lost Paradise

A BOY AND A GIRL When I came to myself again, my hands were full of young grass and mould, and a little girl kneeling at my side was rubbing my forehead tenderly with a dock-leaf and a handkerchief. 'Oh, I am so glad, she whispered softly, as I opened my eyes and looked at her; 'now you will try to be better, won't you?

A great city it is, that's sure!" "It is ditch-water!" said Creep-and-Crawl. Really, the largest green leaf in this country is a dock-leaf; if one holds it before one, it is like a whole apron, and if one holds it over one's head in rainy weather, it is almost as good as an umbrella, for it is so immensely large.

Really, the largest green leaf in this country is a dock-leaf; if one holds it before one, it is like a whole apron, and if one holds it over one's head in rainy weather, it is almost as good as an umbrella, for it is so immensely large. The burdock never grows alone, but where there grows one there always grow several: it is a great delight, and all this delightfulness is snails' food.

At this moment Jack appeared. He came slowly towards us, looking at something in his hand. "Lend me your magnifying-glass, Eleanor," said he, when he had reached us. Eleanor unfastened it from her chatelaine, and Jack became absorbed in examining some water-weed in a dock-leaf. "What is it?" said we. "It's a new species, I believe.

She hath the true spirit of the Comedy ah! and here cometh young Antony with mincing pace, with a dock-leaf for a fan, and a mantle for a farthingale! She speaks! now hark!" "Good morrow to you, my young mistress," began a voice pitched two notes higher than its actual childlike key. "Thou hast a new farthingale, I see! O Antony, that's not the way to curtsey do it like this.

A sprig of lilac was a suggestion, a moss-rosebud pushed the matter, was indeed evidence to go to court upon; and unless Charlotte parried with white poplar a by no means accessible flower or apricot blossom, or failing these dabbed a cooling dock-leaf at the fellow, he was at her with tulip, heliotrope, and honeysuckle, peach-blossom, white jonquil, and pink, and a really overpowering and suffocating host of attentions.