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"Not even Guido Ferrari?" I suggested, ironically. She drew herself up with an inimitably well-acted gesture of lofty disdain. "Guido Ferrari!" she exclaimed. "He dared not address me save with the greatest respect! I was as a queen to him!

To sum up all, if the members of the Legion of Honor who are rich disdain to put their daughters at Ecouen, if those who are poor desire that they shall be received, and if these young persona; returning to their provinces, enjoy there the reputation of good women, I shall have completely attained my end, and I am certain that the establishment will acquire a high and genuine reputation.

The victor did not repulse the idea of a Regency so absolutely, and the faithful Minister at once hurried to Fontainebleau to persuade his master to abdicate in favour of his son. Napoleon repulsed the offer with disdain: rather than that, he would once more try the hazards of war.

The money is not grudged that is true, I agree with Lichonin; but then, does not such a beginning of an industrious life, when every step is provided for does it not lead to inevitable laxity and negligence, and, in the very end, to an indifferent disdain for business? Even a child does not learn to walk until it has flopped down some fifty times.

But inasmuch as long before that day, He did prepare for such as go astray, That dreadful, that so much amazing place Hell, with its torments for those men that grace And holiness of life slight and disdain, There to bemoan themselves with hellish pain.

If they had consulted him a little on this matter, it appears to me that he might have addressed them pretty nearly thus: 'Gentlemen, it is not the arguers who do harm; philosophy can gang its ain gait without risk; the people either do not hear it at all or let it babble on, and pay it back all the disdain it feels for them. I do not argue myself, but others argue, and what harm comes of it?

"It would be singular," returned Adrienne, with redoubled coldness, and still more bitter irony, "if my love admitting I were in love could have any such strange influence on Prince Djalma. What can it matter to him?" added she, with almost agonizing disdain. "What can it matter to him? Now really, my dear friend, permit me to tell you, that it is you who are jesting cruelly.

But the hope of the hypocrite must perish. When the fictitious beauty has laid by her smiles, when the lustre of her eyes and the bloom of her cheeks have lost their influence with their novelty; what remains but a tyrant divested of power, who will never be seen without a mixture of indignation and disdain?

We shall lay our hands on him, never fear," replied Hanaud, with a superb gesture of disdain. "But it was thoughtful of you to remind me of him. I might so easily have clean forgotten him, and then indeed my reputation would have suffered an eclipse." He made a low, ironical bow to Ricardo and walked quickly down the road. "For a cumbersome man he is extraordinarily active," said Mr.

"Oh, no," said Olive. "I would not think of such a thing. In fact, Miss Raleigh and I are engaged. We are very busy about some important work." Mr. Locker gazed at the crocheted nucleus with an air of the loftiest disdain.