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On the previous night she had secretly made fun of Reginald Dimmock. She had deliberately set herself to get information from him on a topic in which she happened to be specially interested and she had got it, laughing the while at his youthful crudities his vanity, his transparent cunning, his absurd airs.

'Then it is up to us to stop it. Ken glanced quickly at his father, but there was not light to see his face. It was Morgan who voiced his thought. 'We shall bring the fire of all the batteries down on us, he said. 'Of course, Captain Carrington's voice was calm as ever. 'Starboard another point, Morgan. Ken, call Dimmock. He's an ex-gunnery lieutenant, and can handle the 6-pounder.

Then your precious Prince Aribert arrives without any suite which I believe is a most peculiar and wicked thing for a Prince to do and moreover I find my daughter on very intimate terms with the said Prince. Then young Dimmock goes and dies, and there is to be an inquest; then Prince Eugen and his suite, who were expected here for dinner, fail to turn up at all 'Prince Eugen has not come?

'Miss Racksole, if any other than yourself made that assertion, I would I would 'Consign them to the deepest dungeon in Posen? she laughed, lightly. 'Listen. And she told him of the incidents which had occurred in the night preceding his arrival in the hotel. 'Do you mean, Miss Racksole, that there was an understanding between poor Dimmock and this fellow Jules? 'There was an understanding.

Hastily Dimmock sighted again at the blunt, low-lying object which loomed dimly ahead in the wet darkness. Once more the smart little gun spoke, but the crack of the report had hardly sounded before it was drowned by the most appalling crash.

Four days ago I was to have met him at Ostend. He had affairs in London. He wished me to come with him. I sent Dimmock on in front, and waited for Eugen. He did not arrive. I telegraphed back to Cologne, his last stopping-place, and I learned that he had left there in accordance with his programme; I learned also that he had passed through Brussels.

'Three barges! exclaimed Roy. 'Big 'uns, too! I say, there must be tons of stuff aboard. Jove, won't the Turks be sick? 'We must get the tug first, said Dimmock, who, though a man of forty, was as keen as a boy. 'If we can slap it into her first, we can deal with the barges at our leisure. As he spoke he was squinting along the barrel, his right hand busy with the sighting screw.

'May I sit down? 'Certainly, sit down, said Miss Spencer, copying the girl's tone. 'You are a fairly smart young woman, that I will say. What do you want? Weren't my books all straight? 'Your books were all straight. I haven't come about your books. I have come about the murder of Reginald Dimmock, the disappearance of his corpse, and the disappearance of Prince Eugen of Posen.

Entreating a thousand pardons, Reginald Dimmock, after he had glanced at the note, excused himself on the plea of urgent business for his Serene master, uncle of the Grand Duke of Posen. He asked if he might fetch Mr Racksole, or escort Miss Racksole to her father. But Miss Racksole said gaily that she felt no need of an escort, and should go to bed.

The conversation with Mr Sampson Levi had continued for a considerable time, and the two men had exchanged various notions, and agreed to meet again, but the theory that Reginald Dimmock had probably been a traitor to his family a traitor whose repentance had caused his death had not been thoroughly discussed; the talk had tended rather to Continental politics, with a view to discovering what princely family might have an interest in the temporary disappearance of Prince Eugen.