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"Moderation!" retorted the self-reliant wife "moderation towards a weak-minded, unscrupulous fortune-hunter and match-maker a despiser of those genuine graces which adorn the female mind and make woman what she should be. Don't talk thus to me, William, else I shall feel that you would abet Matilda in what she has undertaken, and what she may evidently accomplish." "God forbid," said Mr.

Shaw, though a despiser of niceties of craftsmanship, introduces no coincidences into serious plays such as Candida or The Doctor's Dilemma. It is unimaginable that future generations should accept a representation of Cromwell as He did not maintain that an audience ought to accept a psychological impossibility, merely because it was placed outside the frame of the picture.

Now Holy Scripture pronounces woe upon those who despise others, and threatens them with being despised themselves. God always takes the part of the despised against the despiser. Our Lord says: He who despises you, despises Me; and speaking of little children, Take heed that you despise not one of them.

If false statements of varying dogmas were held 'as criminal as they undoubtedly are, if they were never viewed from 'foregone conclusions, sects would perish in the death of misconceptions, and warring Christians would rush into each other's arms with the joy-cry, 'Brothers! Through the misstatements of centuries, the good Protestant minister regards the Catholic priest, ready as he may be to die for the faith of his fathers, as a wilful liar, a conscious deceiver, selling the souls of his flock for a Judas bribe; while the equally good priest, in his turn, looks upon the conscientious minister as a despiser of authority, an enemy of the Church of Christ, refusing to hear what he believes to be its undoubted teachings, a blind man, leading the blind into the pit of perdition.

If a man abandons the Saviour, there is no other name under heaven whereby he can be saved; 'there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin'; he is a despiser of God's way of salvation, and tramples under foot the Son of God. While such a career continues, fiery indignation must be his wretched destiny.

In every age some thinker, some doubter, some investigator, some hater of hypocrisy, some despiser of sham, some brave lover of the right, has gladly, proudly and heroically braved the ignorant fury of superstition for the sake of man and truth. These divine men were generally torn in pieces by the worshipers of the gods. Socrates was poisoned because he lacked reverence for some of the deities.

Otherwise it would not be possible for him to share the life of grace, nor would any work of his bear living fruit. So, knowing no other way, I said that I desired to see you a lover and follower of truth and despiser of falsehood; hating the devil the father of lies, and your own lower nature, that follows such a parent; and loving Christ crucified, who is Way, Truth and Life.

So Milton in his "Hymn on the Nativity": "The lonely mountains o'er, And the resounding shore, A voice of weeping heard and loud lament; From haunted spring and dale, Edged with poplar pale, The parting Genius is with sighing sent; With flower-enwoven tresses torn, The nymphs in twilight shade of tangled thickets mourn." Erisichthon was a profane person and a despiser of the gods.

Disciple of Herbert Spencer he was forced because of his feminine fluidity to lean on a strong, positive brain hater of social conventions, despiser of Christianity, a proselyte to a dozen creeds, from the black magic of Voodooism to Japanese Shintoism, he never quite rid himself of the spiritual deposits inherited from his Christian ancestry.

And this fact accounted for the complicating term "Income," whose regular presence in the budget was certainly a trifle awkward for the despiser of property, aligning him out of hand with the wealthy classes; but to the individual was undoubtedly most comforting, since it set a man economically free forever. You never have to do anything for money, with fifty dollars a month.