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When he saw the children coming in, he asked Mary, who was foremost, what they wanted. She said they had a law question, which they wanted him to decide. "A law question?" said he. "Yes," she replied; "a case of bailment." "O, very well; walk in," said he. There was a sofa at one side of the room, and he seated the children all there, while he drew up his arm-chair directly before them.

Since there was no one who could decide the religious question for all the rulers, the diet of Speyer determined that, pending the meeting of a general council, each ruler, and each knight and town owing immediate allegiance to the emperor, should decide individually what particular form of religion should prevail in his realm.

Congress is to deliberate on "all grave and transcendental questions, whose decision admits of delay and adjournment, but the President may decide questions of urgent character, giving the reasons for his decision in a message to Congress." The acts of Congress are not binding until approved by the President, and he has power of absolute veto.

"There ain't time for much thinkin'. The excursion starts a day after to-morrow." "I'll have my mind made up to-morrow mornin'," said Amanda. "I've got to think of it over-night, anyhow. I can't start right up an' say I'll go, without a minute to think about it." Her voice trembled nervously, but decision underlay it. "I don't see why it ain't time enough if we decide to-morrow morning.

He looked at me wistfully. He was hoping, I am sure, that I might decide that he was too disreputable to appear. "No," I said, "you can't get out of it that way. You'll have to come." "But can I? You know better than I do. I did brush my trousers a lot this morning really. I brushed them for quite half an hour; but there are some mark " He held out his right leg and looked at it hopelessly.

"The thing for us to do is to decide what we ought to do next." "Let's go down to the factory; I don't see what else we can do." "All right," said Bob disconsolately. "I do hate to have to go and tell father that we've been tricked and beaten though." "He can at least get the police to come down and help guard his factory," said Hugh. "Probably no harm will come to it if they do that."

On the day which was to decide the important question, Peter had been ploughing in a part of his father's land called the High Field. All the rest lay level on the plain round about the farm, but this one field was on the shoulder of the downs, so that from it you looked far over the distant valley, with its little clusters of villages dotted here and there.

It is not a sharp or definite conception, and in many cases it will be impossible to decide with any certainty what an image means. I think this lies in the nature of things, and not in defective analysis. We may give somewhat more precision to the above account of the meaning of images, and extend it to meaning in general. In that case we say that the image or word means that object.

It was not aristocratic, it is true, but, I repeat, it was not unpleasant, nor do I believe that any young man, however refined, would have found it unpleasant. But if I was offered a choice between a chop and steak in the evening, in the morning I had to decide between eggs and bacon and bacon and eggs. A knocking at the door, "Nine o'clock, sir; 'ot water, sir; what will you have for breakfast?"

This, as I said at the beginning, is the kind of blunder made by the princes of our times when they have to decide on matters of moment, from their not considering how those men acted who in ancient days had to determine under like conditions.