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At the further end sate Lady Cumnor at her tapestry work; the light of fire and candle seemed all concentrated on that one bright part where presently Lady Harriet made tea, and Lord Cumnor went to sleep, and Sir Charles read passages aloud from the Edinburgh Review to the three ladies at their work.

Prest after a moment, provokingly, "perhaps after all they haven't any of his things. If they deny it flat how are you sure?" "John Cumnor is sure, and it would take me long to tell you how his conviction, or his very strong presumption strong enough to stand against the old lady's not unnatural fib has built itself up. Besides, he makes much of the internal evidence of the niece's letter."

"The better for you, my lord," said Varney "that is, in the case supposed, if such be her disposition; since you think you cannot aspire to become her husband. Her favourite you are, and may remain, if the lady at Cumnor place continues in her present obscurity." "Poor Amy!" said Leicester, with a deep sigh; "she desires so earnestly to be acknowledged in presence of God and man!"

This was possible; I had nothing but my share in the very limited knowledge of my English fellow worshipper John Cumnor, who had never seen the couple. The world, as I say, had recognized Jeffrey Aspern, but Cumnor and I had recognized him most. The multitude, today, flocked to his temple, but of that temple he and I regarded ourselves as the ministers.

Lady Cumnor had so far recovered from the violence of her attack, and from the consequent operation, as to be able to be removed to the Towers for change of air; and accordingly she was brought thither by her whole family with all the pomp and state becoming an invalid peeress.

In return, there was a day of honour set apart every summer, when with much gracious and stately hospitality, Lady Cumnor and her daughters received all the school visitors at the Towers, the great family mansion standing in aristocratic seclusion in the centre of the large park, of which one of the lodges was close to the little town. The order of this annual festivity was this.

The Duke of Debenham used to pay the Hamleys a respect due to 'em the oldest landowners in the county but since he died, and this shabby Whig lord has succeeded him, I've never dined at the lord lieutenant's once no, not once. 'But I think, sir, I've heard you say Lord Cumnor used to invite you, only you did not choose to go, said Roger. 'Yes. What d'ye mean by that?

A cheaper penalty, I presume, you do not expect." "Malicious fiend!" answered Leicester, "do you mock me in my misfortune? Manage it as thou wilt." "If you are serious, my lord," said Varney, "you must set forth instantly and post for Cumnor Place." "Do thou go thyself, Varney; the devil has given thee that sort of eloquence which is most powerful in the worst cause.

A storm of applause cut short the nursery budget, and all turned to the stage where Amy Robsart entered, followed by Janet and by Varney. Advancing with queenly grace and dignity to a pile of cushions in the centre of the drawing-room at Cumnor Place, she stood a moment with downcast eyes, till the acclamation ceased, and Varney renewed his appeal.

He then acquainted Lord Leicester how easy it was to prove the circumstance of their interview true, by evidence of Anthony Foster, with the corroborative testimonies of the various persons at Cumnor, who had heard the wager laid, and had seen Lambourne and Tressilian set off together.