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And then, after lunch, there did come a tete-a-tete with Lady Cumnor, which was conducted after this wise: 'Well, Clare! I am really glad to see you. I once thought I should never get back to the Towers, but here I am! There was such a clever man at Bath a Doctor Snape he cured me at last quite set me up.

All this time the family at the Towers had been absent; Lady Cumnor had been ordered to Bath for the early part of the winter, and her family were with her there. On dull rainy days, Mrs. Gibson used to bethink her of missing 'the Cumnors, for so she had taken to calling them since her position had become more independent of theirs.

Miss Bordereau, after all, had been in Europe nearly three-quarters of a century; it appeared by some verses addressed to her by Aspern on the occasion of his own second absence from America verses of which Cumnor and I had after infinite conjecture established solidly enough the date that she was even then, as a girl of twenty, on the foreign side of the sea.

It was that which the unfortunate Amy had written to her husband, in which she alleged the reasons and manner of her flight from Cumnor Place, informed him of her having made her way to Kenilworth to enjoy his protection, and mentioned the circumstances which had compelled her to take refuge in Tressilian's apartment, earnestly requesting he would, without delay, assign her a more suitable asylum.

"I would not upbraid you, Amy," replied the Earl; "but are you not here contrary to my express commands and does not your presence here endanger both yourself and me?" "Does it, does it indeed?" she exclaimed eagerly; "then why am I here a moment longer? Oh, if you knew by what fears I was urged to quit Cumnor Place!

The doctor is to occupy the lower apartments of the eastern quadrangle, with freedom to use the old elaboratory and its implements. He is to have no access to the lady, but such as I shall point out only she may be amused to see his philosophical jugglery. Thou wilt await at Cumnor Place my further orders; and, as thou livest, beware of the ale-bench and the aqua vitae flask.

I should be making mischief, I know I should. 'Very well, my dear, said Lady Cumnor, sighing, 'I had forgotten the Maidenhead water-party, or I would not have asked you. 'What a pity it isn't the Eton holidays, so that you could have had Hollingford's boys to help you to do the honours, mamma. They are such affable little prigs.

At last, there was a rumbling, and a rushing, and a whispering, and the music stopped, so the dancers were obliged to do so too, and in came Lord Cumnor in his state dress, with a fat, middle-aged woman on his arm; she was dressed almost like a girl in a sprigged muslin, with natural flowers in her hair, but not a vestige of a jewel or a diamond.

Each breath drawn in Cumnor Place must be kept severed from common air." "Enough, my lord I mean my worshipful master, soon, I trust, to be my worshipful knightly master. You have given me my lesson and my license; I will execute the one, and not abuse the other. I will be in the saddle by daybreak." "Do so, and deserve favour.

GILBERT. Yes: it has been said by one whose gracious memory we all revere, and the music of whose pipe once lured Proserpina from her Sicilian fields, and made those white feet stir, and not in vain, the Cumnor cowslips, that the proper aim of Criticism is to see the object as in itself it really is.