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At the moment of writing the streets are dotted with little knots of people, and the excitement concerning the morrow is intense. BALLINROBE, CO. MAYO, Thursday, Nov. 11th. Hearing that the march of the Ulster men upon Lough Mask House would not commence till nearly nightfall, I drove over early this morning to Mr.

When it was his turn to deliver a toast in honor of the bride and groom, he rose, filled his glass, and holding it in his hand, declaimed from his favorite poet Schiller, and with an enthusiasm worthy the occasion: "Honor to women! round Life they are wreathing Roses, the fragrance of Heaven sweet-breathing!" From "Summer Legends," translated by Helen B. Dole. Published by T. Y. Crowell & Co.

"No, indeed, they're the real thing," said Raffles Holmes, holding up one of the gems to the light, where it fairly coruscated with brilliance. "These are the other two of the original quartet." "Great Heavens, Holmes do you mean to say that Gaffany & Co. permit you to go about with things like this in your pocket?" I demanded. "Not they," laughed Holmes.

The success of Co- operative schemes depends almost entirely upon the presence of high moral and intellectual qualities in those co-operating trust, patience, self restraint, and obedience combined with power of organization, skill, and business enterprise.

Having sent specimens of vulcanized fabrics to Charles Mackintosh & Co., in 1842, and having opened with them a negotiation for the sale of the secret of the invention or discovery, one of the partners of that firm, named Thomas Hancock, availing himself, as he admits, of the hints and opportunities thus presented to him, rediscovered, as he affirms, the process of vulcanization, and described it in a patent for England, which was enrolled on May 21, 1844, about five weeks after the specification and publication of the discovery to the world by Goodyear's patent for vulcanization in France.

* For permission to use in this chapter material from the author's "The Story of the Cowboy," acknowledgment is made to D. Appleton & Co. If the influence of the cattle industry was paramount in the development of the frontier region found by the first railways, it should not be concluded that this upthrust of the southern cattle constituted the only contribution to the West of that day.

The work of Hepplewhite and his school lasted from about 1760 to 1795; the last nine years of the time the business was carried on by his widow, Alice, under the name of A. Hepplewhite & Co. For five years after that some work was done after his manner, but it was distinctly inferior.

The gate proved to be locked, and when they at last awoke the lodge-keeper, he showed them the keys under his pillow; the doctor arrived a little later, but could do nothing, and the sick man died a few hours afterwards." Two other good stories come from Co. Clare.

This protestation reached the ears of a party ascending the mountain from its western face. To one of the party it was familiar. "Why, blank it all, that's Chiquita. That d d Mexican's lying drunk somewhere," said the President of the B. M. Co. "I don't like the look of this at all," said Dr. Guild, as they rode up beside the indignant animal.

He carried a letter from Pete Lathers, the yardmaster, to Crane & Co., of so potent a character that the coal-dealers agreed to lend McGaw five hundred dollars on his three-months' note, taking a chattel mortgage on his teams and carts as security, the money to be paid McGaw as soon as the papers were drawn.