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We have just lost our three sons in battle. Before leaving for the front myself I must take their mother to an insane asylum." It became terribly quiet in the carriage. From The Century Magazine Copyright 1915, by The Century Co. Copyright, 1916, by Katharine Metcalf Roof.

"BARBADOES, 15th July 18 . "MY DEAREST LITTLE JEANNIE, I am at length settled the manager of a great sugar factory, with £400 a year. Tell your mother I will write her by next post; and all I can say meantime is, that Messrs. Coutts and Co. will pay her £100 a year, half-yearly, till I return to keep you, for saving me from the gallows. Accept the offer of the old man.

Matthiessen and Co. of Charleston to send them to you, together with the same quantity of twilled red flannel shirts, and a large woolen Scotch cap for each man and youth on the place.... Send back anything which is not first rate. You will get from Messrs.

This arrangement necessitated his providing himself with a guarantee from the vicar; and so the little account as between the vicar and Jos. Larkin, solicitor, and the vicar and Messrs. Burlington, Smith, and Co., solicitors, grew up and expanded with a tropical luxuriance. About the same time while Mr. Jos.

Stowe and her husband spent some days in London completing arrangements to have an English edition of "Dred" published by Sampson Low & Co. Professor Stowe's duties in America being very pressing, he had intended returning at once, but was detained for a short time, as will be seen in the following letter written by him from Glasgow, August 29, to a friend in America:

A reporter had visited South Harniss and had taken photographs of the Snow place and some of its occupants. Captain Zelotes had refused to pose, but there was a view of the building and yards of "Z. Snow and Co." with the picturesque figure of Mr. Issachar Price tastefully draped against a pile of boards in the right foreground.

Proceeding several miles from the nearest railroad, he found the rural settlement where the factory was supposed to be located. Guided by various inquiries, he finally drove up to the small farm- house where the parents of Wilcox & Co. resided. On entering, the officer said, "I am in search of Mr. Wilcox, of the firm of Wilcox & Co."

At the bottom of the card he wrote in pencil, "representing H. B. Claflin & Co." "Of course you've heard of our firm," he said. "Certainly." "I don't have the firm name printed on my card, for Claflin won't allow it. You will notice that I am called for old President Madison. He was an old friend of my grandfather.

"Do not use new-fangled words. Say the profits, Joseph. Do you know, my boy, that this result is partly owing to you? And I do not intend to pay you a salary any longer. Madame Guillaume has suggested to me to take you into partnership. 'Guillaume and Lebas; will not that make a good business name? We might add, 'and Co. to round off the firm's signature."

If anybody says to expect this, refer him to us and we will answer him according to his folly. when you might own a home in Beautiful Siowitha Park, is not wise. We expect to furnish plans, or build after your own plans. All City Improvements Are Contemplated! Map and Plans of Beautiful Siowitha Park Will probably be ready In the Near Future. Julius Neergard & Co. Long Island Real Estate."