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"During the evening a lady came to our picket line and asked to be taken to Gen. Rosenfelt's headquarters. This was done. When she appeared, Gen. Rosenfelt recognized her as Mrs. Lotty Houghton, who had been employed, it seems, by Jardine, Marshall & Co., northern manufacturers of cotton goods, to purchase cotton and get it through our lines.

Malcourt does not know and she is not to be told as long as it can be avoided: Cardross, Carrick & Co. are in a bad way." "How bad?" "The worst unless the Clearing House does something " "What!" " And it won't! Mark my words. Wayward, the Clearing House won't lift a penny's weight from the load on their shoulders. I know.

But although his legal responsibility was for so great a sum, he felt that morally he was responsible for a far greater amount. When the printing house of James Ballantyne & Co., the publishing house of Constable, and Hunt and Robinson, failed, they failed for upwards of half a million pounds.

As it came opposite Si jumped out, put his foot on the cat-brier and lifted up the rag. He found, as he had expected, that it wrapped up a pint flask of whisky. "O, come off, Si; come off, Shorty!" appealed some of Co. Q from the alders. "Drop that. You ain't goin' to be mean, boy's. You don't need to know nothin' about that, an' why go makin' yourselves fresh when there's no necessity?

On the face of the bill of lading is the following: "We certify that the cargo of coals per Jabez Snow, for which this is the bill of lading, is the bonâ fide property of Messrs. Wilson, Holt, Lane, & Co., and that the same are British subjects and merchants; And also that the coals are for their own use.

It is said that London fashionable life so unlike what she had been accustomed to at home proved injurious to her health; and old Mr. Yates afterwards used to say, "if Robert hadn't made our Nelly a 'Lady, she might ha' been living yet." The career of Yates, Peel, & Co., was throughout one of great and uninterrupted prosperity.

He himself had sent word to the office of Breen & Co. that he would not be there that day a thing he had never done before nor did he intend to go on the morrow not until he knew where he stood. While his uncle had grossly misunderstood him, and, for that matter, grossly insulted him, he had neither admitted nor denied the outrage on Gilbert.

Lorry said, in a sample tone of the voice he would recommend under the circumstances, "How do you do, Mr. Stryver? How do you do, sir?" and shook hands. There was a peculiarity in his manner of shaking hands, always to be seen in any clerk at Tellson's who shook hands with a customer when the House pervaded the air. He shook in a self-abnegating way, as one who shook for Tellson and Co.

A, and Corp'l Josiah Klegg, of Co. Q, with six enlisted men of that company, to be selected by Capt. McGillicuddy, are here by detailed for that duty, and will prepare to leave to-morrow morning." Si clutched his partner in his excitement and said, "Shorty, did you hear that? I'm to be sent back to Injianny. Ain't that what he said?"

On the 21st of February I received notice that I had been commissioned Second Lieutenant of Co. C. It was at the time, next to nothing in the field. It did not have over two privates in the ranks, with a sergeant, a drummer and a pioneer. In place of creating new regiments, when the last call was filled, the men should have been sent to the old regiments in the field.