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Then more scared than ever, they strove to clamber out of the gully into which they had recklessly sprung, but, foiled in these attempts, they kicked, plunged, and reared, trampling heedlessly over the human form lying helpless among the shattered fragments of the sledge, till tired out at last, they stood motionless, panting with terror.

Aloft, a man was seen to clamber from our mainyard into the very top of the Englishman, where he threw a hand-grenade, as I thought, down her main hatch.

Sometimes they had to clamber up steep places on hands and knees. Suddenly they were arrested by what seemed to them a faint cry or wail. Listening intently, they perceived that the sounds were musical. "The Christians are singing," said the spy in a tone which, low though it was, betrayed a touch of contempt. "They hold their meeting in a cave on the other side of this mound."

I was about to clamber up into this, and then with a happy inspiration turned back. "What are you doing?" asked Cavor. "Go on!" said I, and went back and got two of the shining fungi, and putting one into the breast pocket of my flannel jacket, so that it stuck out to light our climbing, went back with the other for Cavor.

It led across a very pleasant mead, the hedges of which were separated by stiles, over which I was often obliged to clamber.

Then you clamber up by the hub of the wheel and by sundry awkward means which remind you of climbing a stone wall when you were a child. You take any seat left, which the Frenchmen do not want, the horses are put to, and away you go over a smooth sandy road for eleven miles, with the sea crawling up on each side of you over the dunes. Suddenly, without warning, you come squarely upon Mont St.

I trembled with apprehension at this bold maneuver, but Edmund was as steady as a rock. Ala instantly comprehended his intention, and encouraged her followers, who were all but paralyzed with fright, to clamber aboard. A momentary communication of the eyes took place between Edmund and Ala, and I understood that he was demanding if all had been found.

When the Indians had determined to leave their habitations underground, the Minnatarees began, men, women, and children, to clamber up the vine, and one-half of them had already reached the surface of the earth, when a dire mishap involved the remainder in a still more desolate captivity within its bowels. There was among them a very fat old woman, who was heavier than any six of her nation.

Two or three or more of the men would clamber upon the load, open the sacks, sample the grain and bid for it. If one man wanted the load badly, or if he chanced to be in a bad temper, the farmer was the gainer. Hence very few of them, even the members of the Grange, were content to drive up to my father's elevator and take the honest market price.

Many persons in Dame Joan's place would have been afraid to mount him, fearing witchcraft, or fairies' pranks, but Joan was too tired to have many scruples. So up she got and untied his feet, for he was hobbled, put the rope round his head, and then managed somehow to clamber up on his back, basket and all.