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'Oh, Chiv, Chiv! added Mr Tigg, surveying his adopted brother with an air of profound contemplation after dismissing this piece of pantomime. 'You are, upon my life, a strange instance of the little frailties that beset a mighty mind. If there had never been a telescope in the world, I should have been quite certain from my observation of you, Chiv, that there were spots on the sun!

"But 'ow in bloody 'ell 'ave I been doing anything when I 've been up 'ere working on this chiv wheel? 'Ow ?" "They say you held up the dance to-night and robbed us," Fairchild cut in. Harry's face lost its surprised look, to give way to a glance of keen questioning. "And do you say it?" "I most certainly do not. The identification was given by that honorable person known as Mr. Maurice Rodaine."

And yet these well-wishings are not always insincere, and they are earnest enough when uttered in Gipsy. Jockey. Tool. Cove or Covey. Hook, Hookey, and Walker, Hocus, Hanky- Panky, and Hocus-Pocus. Shindy. Row. Chivvy. Bunged Eye. Shavers. Clichy. Caliban. A Rum 'un. Pal. Trash. Cadger. Cad. Bosh. Bats. Chee-chee. The Cheese. Chiv Fencer. Cooter. Gorger. Dick. Dook. Tanner. Drum. Gibberish. Ken.

'Now I'll tell you what it is. I'm a most confoundedly soft-hearted kind of fellow in my way, and I cannot stand by, and see you two blades cutting each other's throats when there's nothing to be got by it. Mr Pecksniff, you're the cousin of the testator upstairs and we're the nephew I say we, meaning Chiv. Perhaps in all essential points you are more nearly related to him than we are. Very good.

I have a heart that swells in my bosom. I have a soul that rises superior to base considerations. 'Oh Chiv, Chiv, murmured Mr Tigg, 'you have a nobly independent nature, Chiv!

"Chiv it apre" may be applied to throwing anything, to covering it up, to lifting it, to setting it, to pushing it, to circulating, and in fact to a very great number of similar verbs. There is, I think, no rational connection between the BUNG of a barrel and an eye which has been closed by a blow. One might as well get the simile from a knot in a tree or a cork in a flask.

It is also English Gipsy, and was explained to me as follows: "A man's kismut is what he's bound to kair it's the kismut of his see. Some men's kismut is better'n wavers, 'cos they've got more better chiv. Some men's kismut's to bikin grais, and some to bikin kanis; but saw foki has their kismut, an' they can't pen chichi elsus."

He shortly returned and said, 'I had to "chiv" that fellow, he was not dead, a cant word, meaning that he had to stab him. Returning to the road we passed where De Pontius lay and was dead. Sullivan said, 'This is the digger, the others were all storekeepers; this is the digger, let's cover him up, for should the others be found, they'll think he done it and sloped, meaning he had gone.

They're bitti geeros who rikker tute adree the gogemars, an' sikker tute a dood till you're all jalled apre a wafro drum an nashered, an' odoi they chiv their kokeros pauli an' savs at tute. Mandy's dicked their doods adusta cheiruses, an' kekoomi; but my pal dicked langis muis pash mungwe yeck ratti. He was jallin' langus an' dicked their doods, and jinned it was the yag of lesters tan.

A knife is also called a chiv by the lowest class all over England. COUTER or COOTER is a common English slang term for a guinea. It was not necessary for the author of the Slang Dictionary to go to the banks of the Danube for the origin of a word which is in the mouths of all English Gipsies, and which was brought to England by their ancestors. A sovereign, a pound, in Gipsy, is a bar.