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And yet these well-wishings are not always insincere, and they are earnest enough when uttered in Gipsy. Jockey. Tool. Cove or Covey. Hook, Hookey, and Walker, Hocus, Hanky- Panky, and Hocus-Pocus. Shindy. Row. Chivvy. Bunged Eye. Shavers. Clichy. Caliban. A Rum 'un. Pal. Trash. Cadger. Cad. Bosh. Bats. Chee-chee. The Cheese. Chiv Fencer. Cooter. Gorger. Dick. Dook. Tanner. Drum. Gibberish. Ken.

"Epicure! Gourmand! Gorger!" said young Lennox. "Would you do nothing but eat? Do you think it your chief duty in this world to be a glutton?" "No, Dagaeoga," replied Tayoga, "I am not a glutton, but I am yet hungry, and I warn thee, O grudging medicine man, that I am growing strong fast.

A GORGER, meaning a gentleman, or well-dressed man, and in theatrical parlance, a manager, is derived by the author of the Slang Dictionary absurdly enough, it must be confessed from "gorgeous," a word with which it has no more in common than with gouges or chisels.

I am aware that the word CAD was applied to the conductor of an omnibus, or to a non-student at Universities, before it became a synonym for vulgar fellow, yet I believe that it was abbreviated from cadger, and that this is simply the Gipsy word Gorgio, which often means a man in the abstract. I have seen this word printed as gorger in English slang.

A gorger or gorgio the two are often confounded is the common Gipsy word for one who is not Gipsy, and very often means with them a rye or gentleman, and indeed any man whatever. Actors sometimes call a fellow- performer a cully-gorger. DICK, an English slang word for sight, or seeing, is purely Gipsy in its origin, and in common use by Rommanis over all the world.

Ernest could never have consented to lot that lazy, overfed, useless encumbrance on a long-suffering commonwealth, that idle gorger of dainty meats and choice wines from the tithes of the tolling, suffering people, bear any part in what was after all the most solemn and serious contract of his whole lifetime. And, to say the truth, Edie quite agreed with him on that point, too.