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"You took my niece to a dance in spite of my absolute refusal to allow her to go?" "He had nothin' to do with it;" said Peg, "I took him to that dance." She wasn't going to allow Jerry to be abused without lodging a protest. After all it was her fault. She made him take her. Very, well she would take the blame. Mrs. Chichester looked steadily at Jerry for a few moments before she spoke.

While Stukely was spare of frame and sallow of complexion, Chichester possessed the frame, stature, and colouring of a young Viking, being already within a quarter of an inch of six feet two inches in height, although he had by no means done growing, broad in proportion, with eyes of steel blue, and a shock of curly hair which his friends would in these latter days have called auburn, while his enemies if he had possessed any would have tersely described it as "carrots". In temperament, too, Chichester was the very antithesis of Stukely, for he was absolutely unimaginative and matter-of-fact.

Henry de Blois, Bishop of Winchester, brother of King Stephen, went to the King, and offered to pay the whole sum required of Becket; but he was not listened to, and the Bishops of Chichester and London plainly told the Archbishop, that what was aimed at was to force him to resign.

She took it out and held it up accusingly before Peg's eyes: "Her jewel-box! Where did you get this?" "I took it," said Peg promptly. "Took it?" "Yes, aunt, I took it!" Mrs. Chichester opened the box: it was full. Every jewel that Ethel owned was in it. "Her jewels! Ethel's jewels?" "Yes I took them too." "You were STEALING them?" "No. I wasn't STEALING them, I just TOOK 'em!"

Around the slender branches, waving and quivering in the current with life-like motion, the line was looped. The lower part of it trailed away loosely down the stream into the pool. Chichester took in the situation in a flash of grieved insight. "Well," he said, "that is positively the worst! Good-by, Mr. Salmon. Louis, pull out that-er, er that branch!" and he began slowly to reel in the line.

"Thank you," replied the Chief Executor. Mrs. Chichester came into the room and went straight to Jerry. At the same time, Alaric burst in through the garden and greeted Jerry and Hawkes. "I heard you were here " began Mrs. Chichester. Jerry interrupted her anxiously: "Mrs. Chichester, I was entirely to blame for last night's unfortunate business.

With them came to England a new legate, the Cardinal Ottobon, specially sent from the papal court to punish the bishops and clergy that had persisted in their adherence to the popular cause. Four prelates were excommunicated and suspended from their functions, including Berkstead of Chichester and Cantilupe of Worcester.

"'Regret to say children missing. Supposed left Inistow Cove Tossell's boat Saturday night. Boat found ashore Clatworthy Beach. Search parties along coast. Will report any news. Chichester." "When did you get this, ma'am, making so bold?" "At nine this morning. If you look, you will see the telegram was handed in at 8.37, and received here at 8.50 is it not? The sender is a Mr.

Nothing in Chichester is more beautiful than this Early English fragment, which seems to remind us of all we have lost by that disastrous revolution of the sixteenth century, whose latest results we still await with fear and dread.

I saw, however, the empty tomb, very fine and splendid, of the Earl de la Warr, who begged Boxgrove of Thomas Cromwell unsuccessfully; and then I went out and marched on into Chichester, the East Gate of which I entered not long after dark. The mere plan of Chichester proclaims its Roman origin.