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It was again sent to Sicily, brought to Spain by the Viceroy of Naples, stolen by Napoleon, and in Paris was subjected to a brilliantly successful operation for transferring the layer of paint from the worm-eaten wood to canvas. It came back to Spain with other stolen goods from the Louvre. La Perla was bought by Philip IV. at the sale of Charles I.'s effects after his decapitation.

What a wonderfully ingenious and suggestive paper that is by Galton on "Blood Relationship." It helps to render intelligible many of the eccentricities of heredity, atavism, etc. Sir Charles Lyell was good enough to write to Lord Ripon and Mr. Cole about me and the Bethnal Green Museum, and the answer he got was that at present no appointment of a director is contemplated.

I took him to walk that morning to the scene I had painted in the work he spoke of, He recognised it with enthusiasm, and we walked back together full of friendship and enjoyment. He had one or two commissions for Charles Grammont from his sisters, and asked me to help in finding him.

The British lost three killed and eighteen wounded. The Patriote losses are not known. The local tradition is that forty-two were killed and many more wounded. We know that thirty were taken prisoners on the field. The defeat of the rebels at St Charles really terminated the rebellion in the country about the Richelieu.

He called on him in no long time, asked him to dinner, and, when Charles had returned his invitation, and Campbell had accepted it, the beginning of an acquaintance was formed between the rectory at Sutton and the family at Boughton which grew into an intimacy as time went on.

"Oh, he's used to his grandson! Grandsons in that race might just as well be dogs for all they know or care about their progenitors. Yet Daddy Ben spent his savings on educating Charles Cotesworth and two more but not one of them will give the old man a house to-day.

Sir Charles Hardy is at Torbay with the whole fleet, which perhaps was not a part of the plan at Havre: we shall see, and you shall hear, if anything passes. Friday night, July 16th. Your nephew has sent me word that he will breakfast with me to-morrow, but shall not have time to dine. I have nothing to add to the foregoing general picture.

You, Sharp, go seek after Bellmour, watch his Motions, and give us notice. Flaunt. SCENE II. Lord Plotwell's House. Enter Lord Plotwell, Charles, Trusty, and two Servants. Lord. In a Baudy-house, with Whores, Hectors, and Dice! Oh, that I should be so deceiv'd in Mankind, he whom I thought all Virtue and Sobriety!

"If the young chief takes to singing he will not dream of doing anything worse. Maybe he'll not break his heart after all, though he may think of Miss Fanny for many a long day to come." In the morning the doctor came off again, and pronounced Charles Tilston very much better. He was able, indeed, to get up and breakfast with us in the cabin.

But they shan't. I am not such a fool as they think." "They don't think so. You have proved the contrary." "Jane," said Sir Charles pettishly, "do you know this gentleman?" "I should think I do," said Lady Brandon emphatically.