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He lay back and closed his eyes and listened to the sounds that filled the air, the noise of pleased, tired things at peace and the subdued songs of roosting birds. He could hear shouts from the labourers in the distant hayfields and, now and then, the slow rattle of a country cart as it moved clumsily along the uneven roads that led from the fields to the farmyards.

Her strength was now exhausted, and, lying down in the bottom of the cart, she gave way to grief and despair. Her situation may be easily imagined: alone in the forest, thirty miles from the nearest settlement, her husband torn from her in a moment, and her babe smiling as though he would console his mother for her terrible loss.

In the early morning at the end of each week they drove the horse and cart to the sea's edge to wash them, making always for the steady channel which ran unaltering through the empty sand, when the tide was down.

"Anything on the collar?" asked the man. Lloyd settled a hairpin in a coil of hair at the back of her neck. "Nothing nothing that I can make out." She climbed into the cart again and dismissed the farm-hand with a quarter. He disappeared around the turn of the road.

"This is a fine death for a soldier!" said one of the English officers who were surrounding the cart of execution. "Sir," replied Hale lifting up his cap, "there is no death which would not be rendered noble in such a glorious cause." He calmly replaced his cap, and the fatal cart moving on, he died with the most perfect composure. During the winter, there was a revolt in the Pennsylvanian line.

He inquired with friendly interest how my attention had been called to Egyptology, what progress I had made, and what other sciences I was studying. After my reply he shook his venerable head with its long grey locks, and said, smiling: "You have been putting the cart before the horse. But that's the way with young specialists.

"You will go by the first train in the morning," said Arthur, happening to meet him in the stable-yard, whither Richard had gone to look if Miss Brown was in her usual stall. "I have told Robert to take you and your tools to the station in the spring-cart." "Thank you, sir," returned Richard; "I shall not require the cart. I leave the house to-night, and shall send for my things to-morrow morning.

A low, single-seated cart was halted near the curb, and one of its occupants was apparently much angered. I saw heir clutch the long brown rifle barrel which extended out at the rear over the top of the seat. "You git out'n the road, man," repeated she, "or I'll take a shot at you for luck! We done come this fur, and I reckon we c'n go the rest the way."

There I'm going to be very busy; I've got a cart to load. So now suppose you be off." I shook hands with him and walked away surprised and pleased, but at the same time disappointed, and as I neared the end of the big loft I heard two or three more baskets come rattling down. I felt that I ought to write to my uncles and cousins, and I consulted Mrs Beeton about it.

"We've got to get there" they said, and when they said that one knew they would. They searched diligently and at last found a way. One girl rode on a reel cart, one on a mule team and one went with an old wagon. They went over roads that had to be made ahead of them by the engineers, and late in the night, bruised and sore from head to foot, they arrived at their destination.