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In the dreamy quiet of her sick-room, all things belonging to the world without, all cares, all sufferings, grew dim to Olive. Ay, even her love. It became sanctified, as though it had been an affection beyond the grave. She lay for hours together, thinking of Harold; of all that had passed between them of his goodness, his tender friendship; of hers to him, more faithful than he would ever know.

For this is the time, with the light upon the slope, and the freshness of salt flowing in from the sea, when the spirit of youth must be free of the air, and the quickness of life is abounding. Without any heed of the cares that are coming, or the prick-eared fears of the elders, a fine lot of young bunnies with tails on the frisk scour everywhere over the warren.

Slight dilatation being diagnosed, the treatment is as follows Rest, absolute if needed, and the prohibition of all physical exercise and of all business cares. Reduction in the amount of food, which should be of the simplest. Alcohol should be stopped, and the amount of tea, coffee and tobacco reduced.

And then I'm fearful he won't be comfortable in his house, with nobody to take care of him that really cares for him; servants soon find out where there is no woman to scold them as should be, and he is not the man to take his own part against them." And Susan sighed at the domestic prospects of her friend, and her needle went slower and slower.

A just man is one who cares, and tries, and always tries, to give fair play to everyone in every thing. When we speak of the justice of God, let us see that we do mean justice! Punishment of the guilty may be involved in justice, but it does not constitute the justice of God one atom more than it would constitute the justice of a man. 'But no one ever doubts that God gives fair play!

But the motherly looking woman across the aisle had been watching Arethusa for some time also. And when Peter's sobs had ceased, and she looked up once more from her family cares to see Arethusa conversing so animatedly with her chance acquaintance, she decided at once to interfere.

"God only knows," I answered. "For your sake, Karl, I hope He cares more than I. I would prefer death to the black cell I have just left." We went through many dark passageways and winding stairs to the audience hall. When we entered the hall, the courtiers fell back, leaving an aisle from the great double doors to the ducal throne.

Do you remember once saying to me that you hoped you should never leave Brentham?" "Did I say so?" said Lady Corisande. "I wish I had never left Brentham," said Lothair; "it was the happiest time of my life. I had not then a sorrow or a care." "But everybody has sorrows and cares," said Lady Corisande; "you have, however, a great many things which ought to make you happy."

By our supposed selfish maxims, notwithstanding, we generally exclude from among the objects of our personal cares, many of the happier and more respectable qualities of human nature.

Langford, springing up and almost running to meet him. "Well, Geoffrey, how d'ye do?" added his father with an indescribable tone and look of heartfelt delight. "Left all your cares behind you?" "Left my wife behind me," said Uncle Geoffrey, making a rueful face. "Ay, it is a sad business that poor Beatrice cannot come," said both the old people, "but how is poor Lady Susan?"