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The half-hour chimed, and still Sir Henry explained the strange symptoms by which he was beset the buzzings in the head, the twitchings in the extremities, the creepings, as of insects with iced legs, about the roots of the hair. His eyes shone with the ardour of the determined valetudinarian closeted with one paid to attend to his complaints. And Mrs. Chepstow? Had she come?

This fine genius, without anything to show for it or any title beyond George's courtesy, without even a name, and Barbour and Douglas and Blind Harry now are the predominant sounds in George's pia mater, and their buzzings exclude politics, criticism, and algebra, the late lords of that illustrious lumber-room.

Their plumage is almost always striking, but their voices are rather lisping than musical, though they sing pretty little snatches in the woods; but many of their call-notes sound more like the squeaks and buzzings of insects and tree-toads than like the voices of birds, and it will take time and practice before you can distinguish them apart.

If the girl could be used as a pawn in his great game, she had a certain importance, otherwise none except that her midge-like buzzings must not annoy him, or reach ears at a distance. Both men were naturally schemers, and loved scheming for its own sake, but never had either pitted his wits against the other with less intention of hiding his real mind.

The season for humming-birds opened with the locust blossoms next door, which were for days a mass of blooms and buzzings, of birds and bees. But when the fragrant flowers began to fall and the ground was white with them, one bird settled herself on our honeysuckle, and there took her daily meals for a month.

Foster, quite passive, listened with curiosity for what might come. "Or perhaps you would prefer folk-lore," Cope went on. "Why the Sassafras has Three Kinds of Leaves, or something like that." "Better yet!" exclaimed Medora. "Listen, everybody. Why the Sassafras has Three Kinds of Leaves." Pearson stopped his buzzings, and Cope began.

'I merely thought you wanted to know, sir. No, she answered, to his last question. 'He was invited if that is what you mean. 'I fancied, said Mr. Falkirk, looking puzzled, 'that in the general buzz of tongues yesterday which is fit to confuse anything with more brains than a mosquito I heard various buzzings which seemed to have reference to him. Perhaps I was wrong.

Then, as Germaine used to feel buzzings in her ears that deafened her, he said to her one evening in a careless tone: "Suppose we try magnetism?" She did not make any objection to it. He sat down in front of her, took her two thumbs in his hands, and looked fixedly at her, as if he had not done anything else all his life.

Although her sins might have been proclaimed throughout the diocese without any shame to herself, or ill effects to the community, the curé thought it advisable to receive her confession in the vestry-room. Imaginary buzzings also added to her bewilderment. Her mistress often said to her: "My goodness, how stupid you are!" and she would answer: "Yes, Madame," and look for something.

Before night they were at home again: Willie in high delight at a little rattling paper windmill that Michael had bought for him in the street, and striving to imitate this new sound with perpetual buzzings. Michael, too, looked pleased.