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"Bigre!" The Master was pale with rage. His lips drew back, disclosing long dark teeth and sickly gums, in a grimace of fury. He reached out to seize a hammer lying at his hand, but the apprentice said quickly: "Sapri that's the cholera hammer!" The Master of Burials dropped the hammer as though it were at white heat, and eyed it with scared scrutiny.

It is also said that in the olden days, when the Navaho considered De Chelly their stronghold and the heart of their country, the remains of prominent men of the tribe were often brought to the canyon for interment in the ruins. Such burials are still made, both in the ruins themselves and in cists on similar sites.

In the interval which elapsed between the period of the prehistoric burials and the IVth dynasty, the Egyptian formulated certain theories about the component parts of his own body, and we must consider these briefly before we can describe the form in which the dead were believed to rise.

This speculator also lets out mourning coaches, black without and within, like those in use in London. At a few funerals, these are hired for the mourners, and at a recent one, fifteen of these carriages were counted in the procession. However, this luxury of burials is not entirely come again into fashion. In the inside of the church, every thing passes as formerly.

This is corroberated by some old timber trees, long since upon the spot where the building stood. The extensive parish of Aston takes in the two extremes of Birmingham, which supplies her with more christenings, weddings, and burials, than were, a few years ago, supplied by the whole parish of Birmingham.

Mr King, in 1693, stated the proportion of the births to the burials throughout the Kingdom, exclusive of London, as 115 to 100. Dr Short makes it, in the middle of the present century, 111 to 100, including London. The proportion in France for five years, ending in 1774, was 117 to 100.

The place swarmed with rats, and he and I set to work capturing them, filling their holes as they came out at evening, and chasing them until we caught them. They kept well in the intense cold, and when we were given fire-wood, we cooked and ate them greedily. Meanwhile death was busy among the starving hundreds thus huddled together. We saw every day hasty burials in the potter's field.

A probable cause of epidemics Extracts from Mr Suessmilch's tables Periodical returns of sickly seasons to be expected in certain cases Proportion of births to burials for short periods in any country an inadequate criterion of the real average increase of population Best criterion of a permanent increase of population Great frugality of living one of the causes of the famines of China and Indostan Evil tendency of one of the clauses in Mr Pitt's Poor Bill Only one proper way of encouraging population Causes of the Happiness of nations Famine, the last and most dreadful mode by which nature represses a redundant population The three propositions considered as established.

In modern Hopi burials the food bowls with the food for the dead are not buried with the deceased, but are placed on the mound of soil and stones which covers the remains. From the position of the mortuary pottery as regards the skeletons in the Sikyatki interments, it is probable that this custom is of modern origin.

It was a sad noise to hear our bell to toll and ring so often to-day, either for death or burials: I think five or six times. 31st. Up; and very betimes by six o'clock at Deptford, and there find Sir G. Carteret, and my Lady ready to go: I being in my new coloured silk suit, and coat trimmed with gold buttons and gold broad lace round my hands, very rich and fine.