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With some of these loungers Müller exchanged a nod or a few words as we passed along the platform; but shook hands cordially with a bronzed, stalwart man, dressed like a Venetian gondolier in the frontispiece to a popular ballad, with white trousers, blue jacket, anchor buttons, red sash, gold ear-rings, and great silver buckles in his shoes.

These little "solid treatises," as he called them, were sold at the University library under the name of "Historical and Geographic Catechisms." Feeling himself in duty bound to offer a copy of each volume, bound in red morocco, to Monsieur Rabourdin, he always came in full dress to present them, breeches and silk stockings, and shoes with gold buckles.

He also wore large buckles in his shoes, whose brilliancy left no doubt of their real value. Bowing with great ceremony, he advanced slowly into the room. "You are come to dine with us, is it not so, Jacotot?" said Duchesne, as he still held his hand. "Excuse me, my dear chevalier; the Comte de Chambord and Edouard de Courcelles are below, I have promised to join them." "And is Courcelles here?"

Aunt Chloe, sole dependence of the Art Club below-stairs: day or night nurse every student in the place knows the touch of her hand when his head splits with fever or his bones ache with cold; provider of buttons, suspender loops and buckles; go-between in most secret and confidential affairs; mail-carrier the dainty note wrapped up in her handkerchief so as not to "spile it!" no, she wouldn't treat a dog that way, nor anything else that lives and breathes or has feeling, human or brute.

I had on a broad belt of goat's skin dried, which I drew together with two thongs of the same, instead of buckles; and in a kind of a frog on either side of this, instead of a sword and dagger, hung a little saw and a hatchet; one on one side, one on the other: I had another belt not so broad, and fastened in the same manner, which hung over my shoulder; and at the end of it, under my left arm, hung two pouches, both made of goat's skin too; in one of which hung my powder, in the other my shot: at my back I carried my basket, on my shoulder my gun, and over my head a great clumsy ugly goat's skin umbrella; but which, after all, was the most necessary thing I had about me, next to my gun.

"By this time I was established in Gladys' green slippers with rhinestone buckles, and Gladys was putting all of her own and Phyllis' rings on my fingers, and Phyllis was using a crimping iron on my curls. I was too curly already, but Phyllis said natural curliness was not the thing any more.

As to Master Simon, he even pretends to know many of them by sight, and to have given names to them; he points out several, which he says are old heads of families, and compares them to worthy old citizens, beforehand in the world, that wear cocked hats, and silver buckles in their shoes.

It was aggravating to hear Drumsheugh and Hillocks who had both gone to the Assembly that year for the sole purpose of watching the Doctor enter and bow to the standing house enlarging on his glory in velvet and lace and silver buckles, and growing in enthusiasm with the years.

It would be about half an hour later that the door opened once more and Marjorie came in again. She was in her fine dress to-day fine, that is, according to the exigencies of the time and place, though sober enough if for a town-house in a good blue silk, rather dark, with a little ruff, with lace ruffles at her wrists, and a quilted petticoat, and silver buckles.

A nicely dressed bob-wig, upon every hair of which a zealous and careful barber had bestowed its proper allowance of powder; a well-brushed black suit, with very clean shoes and gold buckles and stock-buckle; a manner rather reserved and formal than intrusive, but withal showing only the formality of manner, by no means that of awkwardness; a countenance, the expressive and somewhat comic features of which were in complete repose all showed a being perfectly different from the choice spirit of the evening before.