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"I? Why, I can shoot a bull's eye with a how and arrow. But somehow, when I try to fire a real gun, I can't help shutting my eyes before the thing goes off." "That's bad." "Then I don't hit anything that is, not the thing I want to hit," he added humorously, at which there was a loud laugh from the other boys. "Won't do at all," decided the guide with a shake of the head.

Stormways had declared his utmost faith in the honesty and integrity of his two boys. "But you're not sure that Karl has anything to do with the disappearing coins. Other boys may have been up there to-day?" suggested his friend, quickly. "I asked mother, and she said she didn't remember that any one had come to see me. No, the more I think about it the worse I feel.

"Of course, it was such a surprise for these boys to find any sort of welcome here. And I suppose they are homesick. I suppose everybody must be always just a little homesick." She was always sorry for homesick people.

He was about to mount his horse, when he glanced at the boys, who were sitting against the wall a few paces off, seemingly absorbed in their play, and paying no attention whatever to him. Suddenly he changed his mind, dropped his rein, and walked up to them. "What are you playing for?" he asked abruptly in Spanish. "Reals, senor," Tom said looking up, but not moving.

The boys are just fashionable young men." "Can't they go hunting without Paul?" "Wheels within wheels!" Mrs. Bogardus sighed impatiently. "Hunting trips are expensive, and when young men are living on their fathers, it is convenient sometimes to have a third. However, Paul goes, I half believe, to prevent their making a descent upon us here."

When the boys struck town, the proprietors and waitresses stood in their doorways to welcome them. "Why, Jack!" one would cry, "when did you drift in? Tickled to death to see you! Come in an' have a drink. That your chum? Come in, old man, and have a drink. Never mind the pay; that's all right." And after the first drink, Jack, of course, had to treat, and then the chum.

And when it is announced to him that one of his intimate friends is dead, and he is asked to the funeral, then, with a face set to sadness and tears, he says, "Good luck to it!" When he receives money owing to him he calls in witnesses, and in midwinter he scolds his man for not having gathered cucumbers. To train his boys for wrestling he makes them race till they are tired.

In the disturbances of 1919 wounded men who were being nursed in the foreign hospitals in Seoul were taken out by the police to be flogged, despite the protests of doctors and nurses. There were many cases reported of old men being flogged. The stripping and flogging of women, particularly young women, was notorious. Here is one case of the flogging of boys.

Young William, see that big mountain ram standin' out on the side o' the peak over thar. I believe he's the same feller that you tried to stalk yesterday, an' that he's laughin' at you. He's a good mile away, but I kin see the twinkle in his eye, an' ez shore ez I stan' here he lifted his left foot to his nose an' twisted it 'bout in a gesture which among us boys allers meant fight.

The white boys must say to Havasupai that they will not try to follow him." Frank looked at his chum, and nodded.