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Berenice could not be induced to stir; she longed only for the end and was persuaded that it could not be far off. She listened eagerly to the blows of the battering-engine; each one sounded to her like a shock to the very structure of the universe.

An account of the performance of "Berenice," composed by Domenico Freschi, at Padua, in 1680, dwarfs all our present ideas of spectacular splendor.

His lieutenants, all creatures of Nero, followed his example, and the exasperation of the unfortunate Trinobantes, who were the chief victims, had reached such a point that they were ready for revolt whensoever the signal might come. On arrival at the house of Caius Muro, Beric found Berenice at home; she received him with joy.

"Oh, my God!" it was he, not Casey, who held the real infernal machine. It was here, not in the Berenice, that the levin must fall; and he, John Gilbart, held it in his fingers. "Oh, my God, I am unfit thrust not this upon me!" But there was no escape. He must take his hat and run run to the Port Admiral.

"Borrowdean, will you come this way?" LOVE versus POLITICS Berenice was a little annoyed. It was the hour before dressing for dinner which she always devoted to repose the hour saved from the stress of the day which had helped towards keeping her the young woman she certainly was. Yet Borrowdean's message was too urgent to ignore.

He must, in spite of his passion, have thought her a perfidious, a detestable woman. But I esteemed Berenice; she deserved my esteem. I was certain she would not have accepted the empire from any other hand; and had I been a private man she would have raised me to her throne. Yet I had the fortitude I ought, perhaps, to say the hardness of heart to bid her depart from my sight; depart for ever!

Staggchase glanced up with a smile. "Just now," she remarked, "before you are plunged in the study of the law, you may do escort duty for me. I am going to call on Berenice Morison." "On Miss Morison?" "Yes. Her grandmother is staying with her. Mr. Frostwinch has gone abroad, you know, and as the old house belongs to Bee, she is staying on there." "But but she won't care to see me."

When Olympius, still in his fullest dress, and carrying his head loftily as became him, made his way through the temple at the head of his subordinates, he noticed Berenice whom he had known as a proud and happy mother and begged her to join the friends whom he had bidden to his own table; but she dreaded any social contact with men whom she knew, and preferred to remain where she was at the feet of the goddess.

You have yet to hear me criticise an absent girl, or jest about her." Again Berenice shrugged her shoulders as though she would dismiss the subject. "I am glad I am not ugly-tempered," she said and walked away without a backward glance at the others. For a moment, Erma was wounded. Then the humor of the situation came to her.

Clara, on the other hand, seemed proportionately relieved. "I want you to come to my room as soon as you possibly can, child," Berenice said. "Shall I wait while you finish your game?" "Oh, I will come at once," Clara exclaimed, laying down her mallet. "Major Bristow will not mind, I am sure." Major Bristow looked as though he did mind very much, but lacked the nerve to say so.