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"I'm sorry for that," answered the postmistress, gravely; "it's like we maun wait then till the gudeman comes hame, after a' for I wadna like to be responsible in trusting the letter to sic a callant as Jock our Davie belangs in a manner to the office." "Aweel, aweel, Mrs. Mailsetter, I see what ye wad be at but an ye like to risk the bairn, I'll risk the beast." Orders were accordingly given.

"I'm sorry for that," answered the postmistress, gravely; "it's like we maun wait then till the gudeman comes hame, after a' for I wadna like to be responsible in trusting the letter to sic a callant as Jock our Davie belangs in a manner to the office." "Aweel, aweel, Mrs. Mailsetter, I see what ye wad be at but an ye like to risk the bairn, I'll risk the beast." Orders were accordingly given.

And aa want ye to join with me in asking for pardon and speedy repentance to be sent tiv a porson that belangs te the gentry of this district, but whe hes been, and is noo engaged in trafficking in wickedness. May the Lord bring him to His footstool of mercy before he is nabbed, as aa was."

"Na, na," said Saddletree, "thank ye for naething, neighbour that would be ultroneous evidence, and I ken what belangs to that; but Nichil Novit suld hae had me ceeted debito tempore." And wiping his mouth with his silk handkerchief with great importance, he resumed the port and manner of an edified and intelligent auditor. Mr.

"It's plain to me, noo, that this auld Earth should bide where she belangs," he told the two girls, "not go outside o' her ain bit atmosphere be sending muckle messages outside it it's na canny."

I aye keepit my he'rt up wi' the notion that him doon-bye the coat belangs to wad hae made a match o't, and saved us a' frae beggary. But there's an end o' that, sorry am I. And sorry may you be; ye auld runt, to hear't, for he's been the guid enough friend to me; and there wad never hae been the Red Sodger Tavern for us if it wasnae for his interest in a man that has aye kep' up the airmy."

"Mercifu' powers!" exclaimed the governante, "my master wears it every Sunday!" "Sunday and Saturday," added old Milnwood, "whenever I put on my black velvet coat; and Wylie Mactrickit is partly of opinion it's a kind of heir-loom, that rather belangs to the head of the house than to the immediate descendant. It has three thousand links; I have counted them a thousand times.

I wonder wha it belangs to." Hans Marais, who came up at the moment, explained that it belonged to a Dutch boer named Prinsolo, who had been a leader some years before in a rebellion, but had been pardoned and allowed to retain his lands.

But anent that, michtna ye jist ca' to min', laird,'at a gi'en gift's yer ain, to du wi' what ye like; an' I wad na heed man, no to say a cratur 'at belangs richtly to nae warl' ava','at wad play the bairn, an' want back what he had gi'en. For him, he's a mere deid man 'at winna lie still. Mony a bairn canna sleep, 'cause he's behavet himsel' ill the day afore!

"Na, na," said Saddletree, "thank ye for naething, neighbour that would be ultroneous evidence, and I ken what belangs to that; but Nichil Novit suld hae had me ceeted debito tempore." And wiping his mouth with his silk handkerchief with great importance, he resumed the port and manner of an edified and intelligent auditor. Mr.