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After Reilly's return to his native place, his first inquiries, as might be expected, were after his Cooleen Bawn; and his next, after those who had been in some degree connected with those painful circumstances in which he had been involved previous to his trial and conviction. He found Mr. Brown and Mr. Hastings much in the same state in which he left them.

Not now, but another time when it will not grieve you. And you will let her come with me to Dublin?" "If her grandfather consents, Mary. I have no doubt that he will consent if you ask him. But Bawn will need some clothes if she is to see your friends. What are we going to do about her clothes?" "You must leave that to me, Lady St. Leger, as being Bawn's godmother.

Daisey De Vere's coon song, with original business and grotesque imitations, made another big hit. Signor Collenso's classic and it was well rendered was tamely received, but when he treated his auditors to "Molly Bawn" and the "Boys of Kilkenny" they went into ecstasies.

Such was our hero, the fame of whose personal beauty, as well as that of the ever-memorable Cooleen Bawn, is yet a tradition in the country. On this occasion the dinner-party consisted only of the squire, his daughter, and Reilly. The old man, on reflecting that he was now safe, felt his spirits revive apace.

"Well," returned the Rapparee, with a smile of scorn, "I'm not a man as I suppose you may know that ever feared either of them much God forgive me for the one, I don't ask his forgiveness for the other. No, Squire Folliard, it was the goodness, the kindness, the generosity, and the charity of the Cooleen Bawn, your lovely daughter, that held my hand.

There is a propriety and justice in his endin' his days smothered in sweets; but the wild duck, suh, is bawn of the salt ice, braves the storm, and lives a life of peyil and hardship. You don't degrade a' oyster, a soft shell crab, or a clam with confectionery; why a canvasback duck? "Now, Chad, serve coffee."

"Bawn, Bawn," she said, "there is nothing but trouble in the world at least in my world. Stay where you are, child; don't come too near me. Do you know that he is dying over there?" She pointed with her whip in the direction of the Cottage. "I think I am mad to-day, Bawn," she went on: "and if I do not speak to some one I shall surely go mad.

'Tis mistress of this house she ought to be by rights, leastways when his Lordship and her Ladyship are gone to their rest; and long may it be before they go! So you're here with Miss Mary, Miss Bawn, honey? And wasn't it the quarest thing at all that you should walk into the house and find Captain Anthony in it?" "I was nearly running out of it," I said. "I was frightened of all the empty rooms.

"Don't be so particular in your descriptions, Mrs. Buckley," said Reilly. "Did you see the Cooleen Bawn?" "Look at that," she replied, opening her hand, and showing him a golden guinea "don't you know by that that I seen her? but you must let me go on my own way.

Then her eye fell on my letter, and she asked me if I were writing to Theobald; and when I answered her that I was she put her hand on my head and told me not to be anxious about Theobald, because she was sure he was all right and that a letter was only delayed. "Don't lose your beauty-sleep any more, Bawn," she said, "for I am sure there is a letter on its way.