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"Why give more leisure time to men who spend their leisure hours now in pool rooms and that sort of nonsense?" "And whose fault is that," replied McNish sharply. "Who is responsible that they have not learned to use their leisure more wisely? And further, what about your young bloods and their leisure hours?" "Ay, A doot he has ye there, minister," said Mrs. McNish with a quiet chuckle.

But don't you admit that I am an eccentric old fellow?" "And doesn't your lordship admit that I am an eccentric young fellow?" "Ay, but, harkee, Mr. Woodward," said the peer, "I always sleep with one eye open." "And I," replied Harry, "sleep with both eyes open." "Come, confound me, that beats me, you must get on in life, and I will consider your pretensions to my niece."

But the doctor smiled pleasantly, and said "Ay, ay, to be sure," with a little nod, as one should say, "We know all about it;" and laid two fingers in a casual manner on Amelia's wrist.

He can dispose of the reversion entirely. So that there will be no difficulty in our arrangements." "But I told you also that Frank had scruples about borrowing on the event of his father's death." "Ay, you did so. Filial affection! I never take that into account in matters of business.

And I call all here to witness that while I live the city of Geneva shall never forget the debt that is due to this house and to the name of Royaume!" "Ay, ay!" cried the bandy-legged tailor. "I too! The small with the great, the rich with the poor, as we have fought this night!" "Ay! Ay!"

"Ay, sir, Captain Brierly will be remembered here, if there's no other place on earth. I wrote fully to his father and did not get a word in reply neither Thank you, nor Go to the devil! nothing! Perhaps they did not want to know."

Many evil things have I done in my time, both against God and my neighbour: I am ashamed, as well I may be, when I think on 'em: I have sworn, and drunk, and lied; I have murmured loudly coveted wickedly ay, and once I stole. It was a little theft, I lost it on the spot, and never stole again: pray God, I never may.

What was it like?" "It made as a long stretch of undulating hills sloping gently down to the horizon at its southernmost extremity, and extending beyond the horizon to the northward," I replied. "Ay, ay, that's right; that's quite right," agreed the master.

The spring seemed to have gone out of his body, and he scrambled heavily up and down the rocks, instead of leaping, as he was wont, from one to another. Nor could I, for all my cries, induce him to make better haste. Only once he replied to me complainingly, and like one in bodily pain: 'Ay, ay, man, I'm coming. Long before we had reached the top, I had no other thought for him but pity.

But I intended to set all right. Ay there she lies. An' again, how are we at home? Brought low down, down to a mud cabin! Now, Dick o' the Grange, an' now, Darby Skinadre now for revenge. The time is come. I'll take my place at the head of them, and what's to be done, must be done. Margaret Murtagh, you're lying dead before me, and by the broken heart you died of "