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"What ailest thee, boy?" were the eager words uttered at once by all, and the king and others sprung to their feet, while Alan laid a heavy hand on the boy's shoulder, and glared on him in silence; the lad's glance fell beneath his, and he sobbed forth "Mercy, mercy! my thoughtlessness has done this, yet I guessed not, dreamed not this ill would follow.

My spirit is like that of the blessed Elihu, it burns within me my bowels are as wine which lacketh vent they are ready to burst like new bottles. O, that He may look after His ain people in this day of judgment and deliverance! And now, what ailest thou, precious Mr Gabriel Kettledrummle?

So when he had eaten and drunk, and the damsel was still there, he looked on her and saw that she was sad and drooping of aspect; and whereas she was a fair maiden, Ralph, now that he was full, fell to pitying her, and asked her what was amiss. "For," said he, "thou art fair and ailest nought; that is clear to see; neither dwellest thou in penury, but by seeming hast enough and to spare.

'What ailest thee, thou sea, that thou fleest; thou Jordan, that thou turnest back? Christ has gone up before us. He has shaken His hand over the river, and caused men to go over dry shod.

Putting his finger upon the painful spot, the aching limb, he says: "Thou ailest here and here," and we feel the cure begun, for the diagnosis is nine-tenths of the treatment. Similarly when the man in the pew feels that the man in the pulpit understands him and he soon makes the discovery he listens for what has yet to come.

There is no cause," said the stranger, following her. "Again I say, What ailest thou?" This time his voice was that of command, and the poor girl involuntarily obeyed it. She related her misfortunes, her persecution by the tymbesteres, her escape, thanks to the Nevile's courtesy, her separation from her attendant, and her uncertainty as to the way she should pursue.

His face was far less handsome than Marmaduke Nevile's, but infinitely more expressive, both of intelligence and command, the features straight and sharp, the complexion clear and pale, and under the bright gray eyes a dark shade spoke either of dissipation or of thought. "What ailest thou, maiden, weepest thou some faithless lover?

"What ailest thee, Tristan? thou who art already a damoiseau and shalt be a true knight? Thou art verily dreaming I see nothing." "They are gone within in the first great court of the palace those who came. They were the King's gentlemen all the King's gentlemen Messer Andrea among them. I thought the champing would have roused the Queen who hath been watching all the day.

"I have in my possession letters proving all this and more. I must not keep them. Who knows what may happen to me on my homeward journey? I now give this packet to thy care, O saintly Palmer! Bring them safe to the hands of Wolsey, that he may give them to the King, and for this deed there will be prayers offered for thee while I live. Why! What ailest thou? Speak!"

"What ailest thou, maiden?" asked a deep voice; and she felt a hand laid lightly on her shoulder. She looked up in terror and confusion, but it was no form or face to inspire alarm that met her eye. Though his surcoat was but of cloth, and the colour dark and sober, it was woven in foreign looms, an unpatriotic luxury, above the degree of knight, and edged deep with the costliest sables.