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The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, i. 32, ii. 243; Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild, ii. 65, 74, 75, 78, 136.

For an account of this, see Sir Ernest Clarke's History of the Board of Agriculture, 1898. Northern Tour, i. 222-32. Northern Tour, ii. 186. Southern Tour, p. 20. Northern Tour, iii. 365. Arthur Young had a low opinion of Sinclair, whom he took to be a pushing and consequential busybody, more anxious to make a noise than to be useful. See Young's Autobiography , pp. 243, 315, 437.

See post, iii. 243, Oct. 10, 1779, and April 1, 1781. The first edition was in 1492. Between that period and 1792, according to this account, there were 3600 editions. But this is very improbable. MALONE. Malone assumes, as Mr. Croker points out, that this rate of publication continued to the year 1792. But after all, the difference is trifling.

The king's council, hopeless in attempting to bring them to terms, resolved to finish the irksome task by shipping all to distant lands. They placed 243 on a small sail-ship, which was tossed on the Atlantic ocean until engulfed amidst the waves. The remainder were never transported. Many Covenanters were confined in places even more intolerable than this.

She was not certain how many of these there had been; but there had been enough slack time to reduce her income for her family for the year to $450. They had paid $207 rent for four rooms on the East Side, and had lived on the remaining $243, all of which Irena had given to her mother.

In volume 11 to 13 of the Army of the Tennessee records, page 243, Strong, in his address on the Battle of Atlanta, has this to say fixing the time of the commencement of the battle, speaking of the time when an officer was sent with an order to me from McPherson: The officer had hardly disappeared from sight, when a shot was heard to the left and rear of us, then another, followed quickly by a rattling volley of small arms, and at almost the same instant a shell came crashing through the tree-tops near us, followed by a rapid and incessant firing from Dodge's Corps.

The name Marduk appears here under the ideographic designation Tutu. The identification with Marduk may be due to later traditions. I.e., inner side. The name of the cave underneath the earth where the dead dwell. See above, p. 443. See, e.g., Jeremias' Izdubar-Nimrod, p. 28. See the passages in Delitzsch, Wo Lag das Paradies, pp. 242, 243.

For instance, suppose the Eddystone to be 243, the two is denoted by two hidings of the light in quick succession; a short pause, and four hidings; another short pause, and three hidings, followed by a longer pause; after which the same process is repeated.

On the "New Model" the armies of the parliamentary side were reorganized as a whole, made permanent, and given a uniform and regular pay. p. 231, l. 15. It was not only the ecclesiastical conditions laid down by the parliamentarians at the Treaty of Uxbridge which determined the King's refusal. He was asked besides taking the Covenant to surrender the militia. p. 243, l. 26.

Further, one Sunday school in Bristol, with 243 children, was entirely supported, and two others in Devonshire and Gloucestershire, with 230 children, were assisted. Lastly, one adult school in Bristol, with 120 adult scholars, was entirely supported during this period.