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Thorfinn went to the Pope not only for absolution, but to get Thorolf appointed bishop in Orkney, according to Adam of Bremen, c. 243. We now come to the last years of the fourth period of his life, when "the earl sate down quietly and kept peace over all his realm. Then he left off warfare, and he turned his mind to ruling his people and land, and to law-giving.

Sir John Blunt was only allowed 5,000 pounds out of his fortune of upwards of 183,000 pounds; Sir John Fellows was allowed 10,000 pounds out of 243,000 pounds; Sir Theodore Janssen, 50,000 pounds out of 243,000 pounds; Mr. Edward Gibbon, 10,000 pounds out of 106,000 pounds.; Sir John Lambert, 5000 pounds out of 72,000 pounds. Others, less deeply involved, were treated with greater liberality.

* Wilson vs. Blackbird Creek Marsh Company , 2 Peters, 245. Providence Bank vs. Billings , 4 Peters, 514. * Satterlee vs. Matthewson , 2 Peters, 380; and Watson vs. Mercer , 8 Peters, 110. Barron vs. Baltimore , 7 Peters, 243. * See in this connection the Chief Justice's remarks in Briscoe vs. Bank of Kentucky, 8 Peters, 118.

Experiments made in Sweden show that, out of 575 plants, the goat eats 449, and refuses 126; the sheep, out of 528 plants, eats 387, and refuses 141; the cow, out of 494 plants, eats 276, and refuses 218; the horse, out of 474 plants, eats 262, and refuses 212; whilst the pig, out of 243 plants, eats 72, and refuses 171.

See Theses 5, 8, 85. Non solam plenam et largiorem, imo plenissimam omnium suorum concedemus et concedimus veniam peccatorum. Mirbt, Quellen, 2d ed., No. 243. This custom of putting the Jubilee-indulgences on sale seems to date from the year 1390. Cf. Lea, Hist. of Conf. and Indulg., III, 206. No mention is here made of the indulgences attached to adoration of the relics, etc.

It would not be easy to make a mistake, for the numbers of the lighthouses nearest to the Eddystone would be very different; and supposing that the boy sent aloft to watch for the light were to report 253 instead of 243, without waiting to correct his view, the captain, by turning to his book, would perhaps find that No. 253 was in the Straits of Sunda, or some equally remote situation, and would easily recognise the error.

From the latter year to 1847 he was in Congress, representing the District in which Henry Clay resided, of whom he was a warm personal and political friend. In 1861 he was elected a Senator in Congress from Kentucky, and was re-elected in 1867. 24, 136, 171, 199, 208, 243, 287, 296, 430, 458, 460, 484, 493, 498, 531, 533, 534, 548, 572.

Up to Chauny my observer had counted 243 shells; Coucy shot 500 to 600; my observer estimated 1000 shots in all. All we heard was a rolling sound, and then the shells burst everywhere, below us, above, in front, behind, on the right and on the left, for we descended to take some photographs of a place which they did not want us to see.

These reasons, taken together, render the goats much less persecuted by the sportsmen, ranchmen and prospectors who enter the home of the two species. It was because of this indifference toward goats that in 1905 Mr. John M. Phillips and his party saw 243 goats in thirty days in Goat Mountain Park, and only fourteen sheep.

Jung, C. G., "Morton Prince, M. D.: 'The Mechanism. etc., A Critical Treatment;" Jahrbuch fur Psychoanalytischen Forshungen, 1910-11. Freud; See page 81, on symbolical method. Emerson, R. W., "The Poet," Complete Works, Vol. III pp. 34-5. Freud, "Interpretation of Dreams," p. 243. Russell, Bertrand: Lowell Lectures, 1914; Cf. Lect.