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The value of these imports amounted in 1868 to $182,522; of which $150,000 were for English cotton stuffs. The entire imports of the island were estimated at $1,243,582, and the exports at $226,898. Among the importations were twenty chests of images, a sign of the deeply-rooted worship of the Virgin.

He was in that part of the city from which business years ago marched up-town. Sometime in decades past people of means had lived behind these brownstone fronts. Many of the residences were used to keep lodgers in. Others were employed for less reputable purposes. His overcoat buttoned to his neck, Clay walked without hesitation up the steps of the one numbered 243.

The smallest was in 1892, when only 454,243 acres were planted, and the maximum was reached in 1900, when 627,311 acres were planted. In the latter year the government adopted 625,000 acres as the standard area, and 48,000 chests as the standard quantity to be produced in British india. Hereafter these figures will not be exceeded.

Our arrival in Chicago put an end to our pleasurable voyage comprising the considerable length of 1,243 miles, during which "The waves were our pillow, Our cradle the sea: When rough was the billow Not timid were we." This westward trip afforded us every hour a revelation of the surprising growth of the nation that lives under the Stars and Stripes.

She is an immense vessel, 243 feet long, with 43 feet beam, and over 2,000 tons burthen, but so beautifully proportioned as not to appear above 1,200. Her spars are immense, and she spreads a cloud of canvas. Depend upon it, she will not belie her name, but with any kind of a chance, is destined to make a voyage, which she may confidently challenge the navies of the world to beat!

John no height is reported as measured by the British commissioners which exceeds 1,050 feet, while the greatest height on their profile is 1,150 feet. The minimum height on their profile, excluding the Aroostook at its mouth and its intersection with the meridian line, is 243 feet, and the mean of the numbers entered by them both on their map and profile is 665 feet.

See ante, i. 413. Yet Johnson later on said, 'Burke's talk is the ebullition of his mind. He does not talk from a desire of distinction, but because his mind is full. Post, March 21, 1783. Kames describes it as 'an act as wild as any that superstition ever suggested to a distempered brain. Sketches, etc. iv. 321. See ante, p. 243.

243 Consider the dispensation of Him Who is the Seal of the Prophets and the King of the Chosen Onesmay the souls of all mankind be offered up for His sake! After the Daystar of Truth dawned above the horizon of Ḥijáz, how great were the cruelties which the exponents of error inflicted upon that incomparable Manifestation of the All-Glorious!

In 1851, the year of the great Exhibition of London, the number of visitors to the Zoological Gardens increased from 360,402 in the year before to 667,243; and in 1862, the time of the second and International Exhibition, it leaped from 381,337 in 1861 to 682,205. The number of visitors to the London Garden has been steadily on the increase since its foundation.

One terrible onset swept away every trace of resistance. There were counted on the field, 3,243 of the Covenanters, and of the Catholics, but 70 killed and 100 wounded. Lord Ardes, and 21 Scottish officers, 32 standards, 1,500 draught horses, and all the guns and tents, were captured.