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Acres For the quarter ending 30th September, 1852, there were sold 243,255 Located with bounty-land warrants 1,387,116 Located with other certificates 15,649 Reported under swamp-land grants 2,485,233 Making an aggregate for the quarter of 4,131,253

If such a policy must be called opportunism, it was opportunism in its best form; and opportunism in its best form, under the conditions of party government, is not far removed from political wisdom. Sir George Nicholls, History of the English Poor Law, vol. ii., see especially pp. 242, 243. Hatherton, Memoir; Creevey, Memoirs, ii., 285-88. See Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors, viii., 446-57.

Matthieu, Hist, des Derniers Troubles, book ii. p. 438. Péréfixe, vol. ii. pp. 406, 407. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 242. Mémoires, vol. v. p. 185. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 243. Charlotte, eldest daughter of Henri, Duc de Montmorency, High Constable of France. L'Etoile, vol. iii. pp. 247-249. Jean Defunctis, Lieutenant criminal of the Provost of Paris. Hist. Chron. de la Chancell. de France, p. 316.

D'Arblay's Diary, i. 243 and 427. Anec. p. 258. George James Cholmondeley, Esq., grandson of George, third Earl of Cholmondeley, and one of the Commissioners of Excise; a gentleman respected for his abilities, and elegance of manners.

Since 1888 the registered cures are estimated as follows: '88, 57; '89, 44; '90, 80; '91, 53; '92, 99; '93, 91; '94, 127; '95, 163; '96, 145; '97, 163; '98, 243; '99, 174; 1900, 160; '01, 171; '02, 164; '03, 161; '04, 140; '05, 157; '06, 148; '07, 109. My notes are rather illegible at this point, but I make no doubt that this was Marie Cools.

Philippine Islands 114,326 7,000,000 Sulu Islands 950 73,000 Caroline Islands and Palaos 560 36,000 Marianne Islands 420 10,172 Total Asiatic possessions 116,256 7,121,172 Possessions in Africa Rio de Oro and Adrar 243,000 100,000 Ifni 27 6,000 Fernando Po, Annabon, Corsico, Elobey, San Juan 850 30,000 Total African possessions 243,877 136,000

His successor in the Fortieth Congress is William Mungen. 243, 306, 519, 538, 547. JOHN W. LEFTWICH was born in Bedford County, Virginia, September 7, 1826. He removed with his parents to Tennessee in 1834, and was occupied in farm work in summer, and attending school in winter, until twenty years of age.

Account of an evening in which, from eight o'clock to three in the morning, Napoleon examines with Gaudin his general budget, during seven consecutive hours, without stopping a minute. Sir Neil Campbell, "Napoleon at Fontainebleau and at Elbe," p.243. "Journal de Sir Neil Campbell a' l'ile d'Elbe": I never saw any man, in any station in life, so personally active and so persistent in his activity.

The Revolution, I, Jan. 8, 1868, pp. 1-12. Ibid. Ibid., April 23, June 25, 1868, pp. 49, 392. Harper, Anthony, I, pp. 296-297, 302-303; The Revolution, I, Jan. 22, 1868, p. 34. The Revolution, I, Jan. 29, 1868, p. 243. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 301. March 18, May 4, 1868, Anna E. Dickinson Papers, Library of Congress.

Arch., Vol. XV , p. 243. But it is time I read you extracts from the earlier extant portions of the Sumerian Dynastic List, in order to illustrate the class of document with which we are dealing. From them it will be seen that the record is not a tabular list of names like the well-known King's Lists of the Neo-Babylonian period.