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Therefore, all the neighboring gentry were invited from far and near, and most of them came, so that Count Hommonai's castle had to be enlarged in all haste by wooden annexes, so as to provide suitable accommodation for the servants of so many guests. To this memorable wedding Zurdoki was also invited. Indeed it may be said that it was mainly on his account that the whole affair was got up.

The threads of Zurdoki's crafty policy had been woven together in the letter deciphered by Valentine Kalondai, and Zurdoki was one of those who were perpetually urging the ambitious George Rakoczy to conquer Poland. The governorship of Cracow was the prize reserved for himself, and the prospect of the loss of that lucrative post piqued him exceedingly.

The Sultan, too, would refuse his consent, and the end of it would be that George Rakoczy would lose the five counties without receiving anything in return. Nay, he might at last even lose his Transylvanian throne also. Like every ill-bred fellow when he is driven into a corner, Zurdoki now took refuge in low abuse. He insisted that he was right. He raised his voice.

It is because you fear I might be dangerous to your dear wife!" Hommonai was a finished gentleman. Even in his insults he was exquisite. "I have a book which I will send you at once," said he to Zurdoki; "if you look into it attentively, you will find that it is really quite impossible for me to be jealous of you." Zurdoki was very curious to see this odd book.

First the furious Zurdoki aimed a mighty blow at the count, but miscalculating the length of his saber, the point of his weapon only grazed the yellow, gold-gallooned jack-boots of the count, and then struck the floor. But the blow which Hommonai dealt him in return settled him on the spot, and he breathed forth his filthy soul at the feet of the aggrieved husband.

Then she stroked pretty Michal's face with her rough red hand, and said with cunning flattery: "Eh! my little sweetheart, how lovely you have grown since last I saw you!" Her touch, her words, made Michal shudder. "I don't wonder at all at the enamoured Zurdoki going quite off his head about you." "Zurdoki?" "Yes, my dear little cockchafer!

'Tis a true proverb which says that the devil sends an old woman when he cannot come himself; but of course it only applies to wicked old women, for there are very many gentlewomen well advanced in years who lead a God-fearing life and do good to their fellow-creatures. Mr. Zurdoki left Kassa in rage and fury, and there were very many reasons why he should so leave it.

The servants simply picked him up and carried him into his bedroom, that he might there sleep off his carouse. He to whose head the wine flew soonest was the host himself. He very soon had had enough, and laid his head down on the table. They quickly carried him away. "This wine really is very strong," said Zurdoki. "I suppose the vintage is of the year of the great comet?