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Your master is George Rakoczy, prince of Transylvania." "He is your master, also," retorted Zurdoki. "Yes, to-day, perhaps, but he may not be so to-morrow. George Rakoczy, not content with the good fortune of being lord of Transylvania and of fifteen adjacent Hungarian counties, strives after higher fame.

"How?" replied Zurdoki, attempting to give a jocose turn to the matter. "Do you mean that I am perhaps a little too attentive to some of your pretty little ladies here?" "It is not a question of women, now, cousin! I allude to your correspondence with the Swedish Minister." "Well! let us hear what you make of it." "I can tell you if you choose to listen.

Who, under such circumstances, had any time to notice that Zurdoki was constantly whispering to the lady of the house? Next followed a splendid banquet of four-and-twenty courses. During the meal Simplex played on the farogato, so as to put even the gypsy musicians to shame.

But when Zurdoki drew his sword and challenged him to single combat, he also called his page, sent him for a rapier, and stood on his defense. The guests in the hall fell back to give the combatants room. Nobody attempted to intervene. It was only right that such an insult should be settled by arms.

He could scarcely wait patiently for the heyduke to bring it to him. It was bound in heavy morocco covers, and when Zurdoki opened them he found nothing inside but a mirror. In that he read that Hommonai could not be jealous of so ugly a face as his. He dashed the mirror to the ground and rode away from Kassa that very day. The goal of his journey was his castle at Saros.

It is thus that we are able to explain why Annie undertook a far more dangerous commission than even that by which Barbara had found her death. Moreover, the dazzling promises of Zurdoki, who was no niggard with his money, had also great weight with her. And Zurdoki was now richer than ever.

And this was no more than the simple truth, for she certainly had been a serving maid and never learnt dancing. At this unexpected rebuff, Zurdoki became as red as a turkey cock, and in his fury sought out the most hideous woman in the room. This was old Dame Fürmender, and with her he opened the ball.

He took up so much space in Count Hommonai's castle that there was no room left for its lawful owners. And all the time he resided at Kassa, he did nothing but give splendid entertainments. There was absolutely no end to them. Belisarius Zurdoki was already over sixty, but though his age was venerable, he had no very extraordinary reputation for morality.

Feminine cunning suggested an idea, and rage and pride matured it into a regular plan. She would pretend to lend an ear to the evil counsels of her seducer. She would ostensibly consent to the disgraceful offer, lure Zurdoki to her, and when quite sure of him, would tell her husband everything.

"Why, my castellan, of course." "What! that butcher boy! that expelled student?" But for all that he could no longer deny the contents of the letter. And now Count Hommonai spoke very sharply to Mr. Zurdoki.