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And he there and then dictated to his wife the answer she was to send to Zurdoki, which was so worded as to seem to consent to his proposition. Annie, whom Isabella also rewarded most handsomely, took back the letter and delivered it to the ancient Celadon. The object of Hommonai's stratagem was to get Zurdoki into his hands, so Zurdoki fell into the trap which he himself had laid.

"I deny the truth of that," blustered Zurdoki. "All that is mere sophistical gabble." "Here you have the contents of the letter which the Swedish Minister writes to you. Read it!" said Hommonai, handing him the copied letter. Zurdoki was dumfounded. "Whence did you get this? Who is there in Kassa that can read cipher? Who understands Swedish here, I should like to know?"

But I now beg to inform you that your carriage is waiting, and nothing prevents you from taking your departure immediately." That was indeed a snub! What! to refuse hospitality to a guest! Zurdoki could not swallow that calmly. He stuck out his chest and said haughtily to Hommonai: "Look ye, my lord Count! You know as well as I do the real reason why you drive me out of your house.

George Rakoczy, when the Crim Tartars invaded Hungary, had intrusted the whole of his treasures to Zurdoki to conceal them in Berga Castle. On the way thither as much of this treasure might be lost as Zurdoki pleased. Who amid the hurly-burly of those troubled times would ever think of calling him to account for it?

To prove his words he produced the gifts and the will which were to have served as a decoy, and gave them to the Protestant bishop who had celebrated the wedding of the Turkish couple, that he might employ them for the benefit of the College of Sarospatak. Zurdoki had spent not a farthing on church or school, but now his sinful liberality was to be turned to pious uses.

At table, the enamored Zurdoki distinguished pretty Michal so very markedly that all the women present whispered spiteful things to each other about it. The countess was naturally an exception. She only laughed at the coxcombry of the old inamorato, and was quite persuaded beforehand that such a sage damsel as pretty Michal would be more than a match for him.

He was well aware of this; but he fancied that the lady had arranged it all for love of him, whereas it was the husband's doings, and there is always a great difference between the motives of a husband and the motives of a wife. Zurdoki arrived on the day of the wedding and brought thirty retainers with him.

Zurdoki, therefore, did not woo very romantically, perhaps, but for all that the letter was full of burning love. He thought that the handsomeness of the gift would make the lovely lady forget the ugliness of the giver. But Isabella was very wroth when she received this shameful proposal.

The terror-stricken Zurdoki stood there with his mouth wide open. He now perceived that they had been fooling him all along. Count Hommonai did not exchange many words with him, but seized him by the collar and thrust him into the room where all the other guests were dancing.

Michal did as she was told, and Valentine then hastened with the solved enigma to the commandant, Count Hommonai. The letter contained very remarkable things. Count Hommonai had no sooner taken note of its contents than he sent for Zurdoki. "Sir!" he at once began, without so much as asking Zurdoki to take a seat, "you are here with no good intention."